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关注关注 2009 中高级口译考试热点分析中高级口译考试热点分析中美建交中美建交30 周年周年 关注关注 中高级口译考试热点分析中高级口译考试热点分析 中美建交中美建交 周年周年 中国的对外关系这一话题是翻译考试需要注意的话题之一。纵观历年的口译考试:2002 年 3 月份的高级口译考试汉译英部分考查了中美关系,2006 年 9 月份的高口汉英翻译围绕中国 外交展开。2007 年 9 月份的中口汉译英围绕中国的和平发展道路展开。2009 年是中美建交 三十周年,作为对外关系中的重要一环大家要格外留心。与其上来就让大家翻译一些“常规” 但又感到生涩的单词还不如先来读一下下面的文章,希望大家大阅读的过程中积累一些固定 的表达,注意句式的选择,为翻译做好积累。 China-US relations on path towards greater progress BEIJING - China-US relations have been making steady progress amid twists and turns since the start of 1979 when the two nations officially established diplomatic ties, thanks to concerted efforts by both sides. The ever-improving relations between China and the United States have not only brought huge benefits to the two peoples but also made important contributions to world peace and development. Late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping paid his historic visit to the US less than a month after the formal establishment of relations between the two countries. China and the US, since then, have maintained frequent high-level exchanges of visits and have actively conducted exchanges at various levels. The two nations have signed a series of important documents and gradually established more than 60 dialogue and consultation mechanisms including China-US strategic dialogue mechanism and strategic economic dialogue mechanism. With political and economic interaction expanding and mutual understanding deepening over the past three decades, the two nations have reached consensus on an increasing number of issues and have seen more extensive cooperation. The two countries have made substantial progress in developing a multi-faceted and multi-level constructive partnership. The development of China-US relations serves the fundamental interests of the two countries as well as the two peoples. China embarked on its historic journey of reform. and opening-up almost at the same


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