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.精品课件. * 一、强调句作用 英文中常采用变换次序、加助动词或“It is ...that”句型等方法来增加句子或句子中某些成分的语气,翻译时一般要把强调语气适当用汉语表达出来,在译文中可把强调成分放在句首,也可以加上“的确”“究竟”“务必”“千万”“就是”“正是”等词来增强强调语气。 .精品课件. * 二、强调句的分类 1. 用助动词“do / does / did+动词原形”表强调; 2. 用very, just, the only, at all等词表强调; 3. in the world, on earth, ever等用于疑问词后表强调; 4. 用感叹句表强调; 5. 用倒装句表强调; 6. so作“确实”表强调; 7. 用强调句型表强调。 .精品课件. * 1. 用助动词“do / does / did+动词原形” 翻译:动词前加上助动词“do”, 译成汉语时可以使用“的确”,“务必”,“确实”,“真的”,“一定”等词突出强调语气。 改错 He do work hard. 助动词随人称的数、时态变化 I do love you. I did love you. He does hate her. does .精品课件. * 2. 用very, just, the only, at all等词表强调 翻译:译成汉语时可以使用“的确”,“正是”,“只有”,“到底”等词突出强调语气。 (1). This is the very book that Im looking for. (2). Have you read any of the report at all? .精品课件. * 3. in the world, on earth, ever等用于疑问词后表强调 翻译:加在what, where, who, why, how等疑问词后面的on earth, in heaven, in the world等词组,可译成汉语“究竟”“到底”等词。 (1). What on earth are you doing? (2). How in the world did she manage that? .精品课件. * 4. 用感叹句表强调 What a life! 这过的是什么日子啊! 感叹词:what, how省略了主谓语,要注意词序! .精品课件. * 5. 用倒装句表强调 (1). On the table are some bowls. (2). Only in this way can you work out thye problem. (3). Hardly had he left when it began to rain no sooner ... than .精品课件. * 6. so作“确实”表强调,非倒装 (1). --- You were invited to the party, werenyt you? --- So I was. Id forgotten. (2). --- He won the championship ten years ago. --- So he did. .精品课件. * 7. 用强调句型表强调 我昨天晚上在街上见到他。 I saw him on the street last night. It was I that / who saw him on the street last night. It was him that / who I saw on the street last night. It was on the street that I saw him last night. It was last night that I saw him on the street. .精品课件. * 总结强调句型: 结构为: It is (was) + 被强调成分+that(who)+其它 2.强调句可强调除谓语外的主语、宾语、状语等 3. 被强调成分是人时可用who,其它都用that 4. 强调句的be动词:is, was 5. 被强调部分为主语时,“被强调部分”用主格; 被强调部分为宾语时,“被强调部分”用宾格; .精品课件. * not ...until ...的强调句 I didnt go to bed until he came back. Not until he came back did I go to bed. 倒装句倒的是主句!!! It was + not until


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