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2013最新考研资料集锦欢迎下载查看, 希望能对你 2013最新考研资料集锦欢迎下载查看, 希望能对你 产生帮助 chase 追逐,追求 The police chased the escaping thief and caught him at last. check 使突然停止,制止 check on e'steps cherish 珍爱,珍视 cherish one 'n ative land chew 嚼,咀嚼 He chewed a mouthful of meat. choke 窒息,噎住 be choked by smoke chorus合唱队 chron ic (疾病)慢性的,(人)久病的 chron ic in digestio n clarity 澄清,阐明 clarify an issue cli ng 粘着 The frighte ned child clung to her mother. clumsy 笨拙的 a clumsy boy cluster (果实,花等的)串,束,簇 ;(人或物)的群,组 a cluster of tourists clutch 紧抓,紧握 clutch at an opportu nity cohere nt —致的,协调的 lack cohere nt political goals coin 硬币,钱币,金属货币 a silver coin coi ncide 相符,相一致 100 Cen tigrade coi ncides with 212 Fahre nheit. collaborate (尤指在文艺、科学等方面)合作,协作 He and I collaborated in writi ng plays. collapse 倒坍,崩溃,瓦解 The roof collapsed un der the weight of the snow. collide 碰撞,互撞 The car collided with the truck. come 来,来至 U Will you come to the dance toni ght? commemorate 纪念,庆祝 commemorate a holiday comme nd 表扬,称赞 comme nd a soldier for bravery compact 紧密的,坚实的 a compact piece of luggage compare 比较,对照 (with, to) compare the body to a finely tuned machine compatible 能和睦相处的,合的来的 You should choose a roommate more compatible to your tastes. compile 汇编,编制 compile an an thology of poems comply 遵从,顺从,服从 comply with rules(safety regulati ons) compose 组成,构成 En gla nd, Scotla nd, and Wales compose the isla nd of Great Brita in. compress 压缩 He compresses a lifetime as a soldier into a few sentences comprise 包含,包括 The shipyard comprises three docks. compromise 妥协,折衷 compromise over the hard-fought n ext. compulsory 必须做的,义务的 a compulsory subject con ceal 隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽 He con cealed his disappo in tme nt from his frien ds. conceive 构想出,设想 con ceive an idea concen trate 集中,专心 concen trate on e'satte nti on condemn 谴责 We all condemn cruelty to childre n. condense (使)压缩, (使)凝结,使简洁 condense a speech to half confer 商谈,商议 confer with sb. Over (on, about, concerning) sth. confess 坦白,供认,承认,忏悔 confess on e'scrime con fide nee 信任 break sb.'sc on fide nee c


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