小学英语_B Read and write教学课件设计.ppt

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Read and write(读写) 红色笔划出好事情 蓝色笔划出坏事情 Read and write(读写) Enjoy a song. rode a horse rode a bike went swimming went camping hurt my foot bought gifts went fishing took pictures ate fresh food cleaned my room watched TV washed my clothes stayed at home read a book saw a film had a cold slept Lets review rode a horse watch TV bought gifts slept went fishing had a cold saw a film hurt my foot read a book went swimming took pictures cleaned my room…… What did you do on QingMing holiday? Where did he go? Pre-reading bad news What did he do? How was his holiday? Wu Yifan’s holiday How did Wu Yifan meet Max? Pre-reading Hello,Max! Whats your name? How about “Max”? Wu Yifan had a cute dog. Max was a member of Wu family. Pre-reading good news Pre-reading Life is full of What will happen next ? (What did they do then?) Pre-reading Maybe they__________ together. Pre-reading rode a horse rode a bike went camping hurt my foot went fishing ate fresh food went swimming took pictures bought gifts washed the clothes slept had a cold saw a film read a book stayed at home wathed TV cleaned my room Pre-reading date(日期) main body (正文) summary(总结) Pre-reading General reading (快速阅读) Number the pictures (给图片排序) General reading (快速阅读) Number the pictures(给图片排序) Go 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 1 minute! Number the pictures , Use{}circle?the?key sentences. (1分钟快速阅读!) (括出答案关键句,并排序!) General reading (快速阅读) Number the pictures (给图片排序) 2 3 1 General reading (快速阅读) ? { } 1 sat in a basket 坐在篮子里 on the front of 在…前面,在前部 Where did Max sat? Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. General reading (快速阅读) sit basketball General reading (快速阅读) ? {


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