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情景作文评析;Acknowledgement ;; 本次期末情景作文出题原则 完整故事,四个节点,先后顺承; 要点突出,细节明显,主题易把握; 联系现实生活,学生有话可写,有充分的发挥空间。;一、审题解题;审题要素;;解题;Pic 2: The next morning, my parents and I went to the park for a walk. The pavement there was covered with fallen leaves in yellow and orange, creating a unique scenery for this season. Holding a leaf in hand, I casually exchanged anecdotes with my parents, feeling the relaxation that I had been missing for a long time. ;Pic 3: After lunch, we went rock climbing. Though the wall was high and steep, I was determined to conquer it. With my parents’ encouragement, I eventually managed to reach the top. At that moment, my confidence was restored. ;Pic 4: On Monday morning, my parents saw me off at the school gate. Their warm smiles and raised thumbs filled me with energy. I waved them goodbye and promised to devote myself to the preparation for Gaokao. This weekend would go a long way with me as it was a new starting point, from which I believe I could go far. ;One possible version ;二、评分原则;评分原则;Specific Criteria;四档文(6-11分):遗漏或未描述清楚要点,也没有细节的支持,全文只有要点,错误太多,影响理解。 四上(9-11): 11分作文的要点是齐全的,只是语言错误较多,因此降档得11分。 10分作文是缺一个要点或一个要点因错误过多,影响理解,属于未能清楚描述要点。 9分是在10分的基础上,因语言错误过多减一分而得。 四下(6-8): 8分的作文是在7分的基础上,因语言错误略少而得。 7分的作文要有2个要点,即有2句较为正确的、描写要点的句子,但缺少细节,错误满篇。 6分的作文基本只有一句正确的、描写要点的句子,但错误过多,严重影响理解。 五档文(1-5分):明显遗漏要点,或只是词汇的堆砌,找不出一句像样的句子。;评分细则;本次作文试判中遇到的问题;;;;16’ 覆盖所有内容要点,并有细节支撑,内容连贯,个别语言错误不影响理解,图2只突出景色。 ;;;20’;;;;高分作文特点;三、写作练习建议;题外话;;;;静待花开


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