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Word Word资料. two-1evel unit 复式单元 sin gle-loaded 夕卜廊式 double-loaded adj.内廊式 Walk-up n.无电梯的公寓/adj.无电梯的 skip-stop corridor 隔层设置的走廊 corridor-every-floor 每层设置走廊的 vertical circulatio n system 垂直交通系统 low-rise adj.低层; high-rise adj.高层 rowhouse adj.联排式住宅;slab n.板式住宅;tower n.塔式住宅 Single-orientation unit 单一朝向单元 Double-Orie ntation Unit 90 ° 转角单元 Double-Orie ntation Un it, ope n-en ded 双向开敞的单元 natural light自然采光 natural ven tilati on 自然通风 mecha ni cal ven tilati on 机械通风 tran sverse walls 横墙 building codes 建筑规程 staggered- pla n 交错变化的平面 auxiliary mea n 辅助设施 self-contained adj.设备齐全的 si ngle-ru n 单跑楼梯 return stairs双跑楼梯 英汉互译包含在以下加粗部分及最后一堂课讲到的例子中。 Unit 10 Sectio n 1 Intensive Reading Modern Housi ng Prototypes 《现代住宅的原型》 Roger Sherwood (罗杰舍伍德) Part I INTRODUCTION This book is prese nted in the belief that a reexam in ati on of some of the great hous ing projects of this cen tury is appropriate at a time whe n the desig n of hous ing comma nds the attention of architects the world around. The buildings offered here as case studies were selected because of their importa nee as prototypes, projects that set the sta ndards and patter ns of much that was, and is, to follow. Other con siderati ons were diversity -so that a wide range of coun tries, buildi ngs types and problems would be represe nted - and architectural quality. My assumption is that there is no excuse for poor architecture; that hous in g, like all buildi ngs, to paraphrase Geoffrey Scott, must be convenient to use, soun dly built, and beautiful. 当今住宅设计受到全世界建筑师的关注,所以对本世纪一些伟大的住宅项目 重新考究是无可厚非的,这本书就基于此观念做了一些介绍。这里提供作为案例 研究的建筑由于它们作为原型的重要而被挑选,它们确定了许多标准和模式去遵 循。其他的考虑是多样化和建筑品质,多样化使得大量的国家、建筑形式和问题 将被陈述。我的假设是任何低劣的建筑都是没有理由的, 就像所有的建筑一样,住 宅一一套用杰弗里 斯科特的话一一必须使用方便、建造地优良并且美观。 But why prototypes? One of the esse ntial points of heuristic thought -the process of discovery and inven ti on relat ing to problem sol ving -is the aware ness that, un til a problem is clearly defined, guesses or conjectures must be made to help clarify the problem. Duri


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