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2021年在职研究生MBA英语模拟试题及答案 考生注意事项   1. 考生必须严格遵守各项考场规则。   2. 答题前,考生应将答题卡上的考生姓名、报考单位、考生编号等信息填写清楚,并与准考证上的一致。   3. 答案必须按要求填涂或写在指定的答题卡上。   (1) 综合填空、阅读理解的答案填涂在答题卡(一)上,英译汉的答案和作文的写在答题卡(二)上。   (2) 填涂部分应该按照答题卡上的要求用2B铅笔完成。如要改动,必须用橡皮擦干净。书写部分(英译汉的答案和作文)必须用蓝(黑)色字迹钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔在答题卡上作答。   4. 答题卡严禁折叠。考试结束后,将答题卡(一)和答题卡(二)一起放入原试卷袋中,   试卷交给监考人员。否则,所产生的一切后果由考生本人负责。   2011年在职MBA联考英语模拟试题及答案001   Section I Use of English   Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark   A, B, C or D on Answer Sheet 1. (10 points)   Imagine fishermen walking down to the seashore, ready to carry out their early morning routine of preparing their boats and net. _1_ they hope for a good catch of fish. But to their _2_, a horrible sight meets their still sleepy eyes. Thousands of fish have been washed _3_ dead. The cause of this mass destruction? A red tide!   Red tides are a global _4_. They have been observed on both the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts of the United States and Canada. They have also _5_ in many other places. Though relatively few people are _6_ them, red tides are not new.   In the Philippines, a red tide was first seen in the province of Bataan in 1908. Since then, red tides have been seen in many other _7_. A Philippines red tide expert told us that _8_ the fish kills, the Philippines has documented 1,926 cases of dead shellfish poisoning caused by red tides.   The term red tide _9_ the discoloration of water that sometimes occurs in certain areas of the ocean or sea. Although the color is often red, it may also be _10_ of brown or yellow. The World Book Encyclopedia reports that the discolored areas may range from _11_ a few square yards to more than 2, 600 square kilometers.   What causes such discoloration? Red tides are generally caused by several _12_ of single-celled organisms. These tiny organisms have hair-like projections which they use to _13_ themselves in water. There are about 2,000 varieties of these organisms, 30 of which carry poisono


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