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八 年 下 册 英 作 文 范 文 (1) 来自英国,她非常喜 京 ,但没 到票,很失望。最后在王老 的帮助下得到了票。 要求: 1. 不要逐字逐句翻 ,要写出 得到票前后的心情。 意思 、通 , 数在 60—80 之 。 Mary comes from England. She likes Beijing Opera best. She thinks it ’ and wonderful. She wanted to see Beijing Opera but couldn ’ t get a ticket. So she was very disappointed. She didn ’ t know what to do. Then Mr. Wang got a ticket, but he couldn ’ t go to see it. His son had a fever last night, so he gave the ticket to Mary. She was pleasedand said thanks to Mr. Wang. She was very excited and decided to learn something about Beijing Opera. (2) 每个人都不可能没有 。当你有 , 着控制你的情 , 因 情 可以影响你生活中的很多方面。所以生活中我 当相信自己 , 笑 人生 , 多与父母、朋友沟通。 要求:意思 、通 , 数在 60—80 之 。 提示 :feel happy, mirror, the best, help others in need, believe, have a nice day, express, feelings, talk with ... Nobody can be happy all the time. When you become unhappy, you should try to control your feelings. Because bad feelings can make you lose your friends and give you other bad effects. Here are some ways to make you feel better. (1)Look in the mirror and speak to yourself, “ I ’ mthe best in the world. I can do anything. ” (2)Do something for others. You will feel happy if you always help others in need. (3)Smile when you get up in the morning and believe you will have a nice day. (4)Write down your thoughts, dreams or anything you want. Writing always helps you express your feelings. ( 5)Stay with your family. You may talk with your parents, relatives, friends and so on. (3) 生活中有很多 西能 影响我 的情 ,例如天气, 色, 境等等。什么 可以影响你的情 ?。 要求:字数在 80 左右的短文 提示 (不分先后): rainy, color, noisy, in bad mood, angry, sad ?? As we know,many things can affect our feelings. Such as the moon, the weather, the color, music and so on. Weather can affect my feelings. When it ’ s sunny, I always feel happy and active. often do sports with my classmates. And I often study better. But rainy days make me upset, I always want to stay at home. Music can affect my feelings, too. When I am excited, I would like to listen to rock


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