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中国武术 中国人有爱好体育的传统,将体育当作健身和娱乐的重要手段,如端午节赛龙舟,清明节荡秋千,重阳登高;在漫长的历史进程中代代相传,自古以来形成了丰富多彩的体育形式,如射箭、相扑、蹴鞠、摔跤、马术、武术、杂技等,其中的武术、杂技可以说是中国的“绝活”。 武术:说起中国武术,又称功夫,人们马上会想起李小龙,他在拳术、剑术、刀术、棍术等方面都有很深的造诣。随着他的功夫片风靡世界,他也几乎成为中国功夫的化身。他那令人眼花缭乱的三节棍给观众留下了极深的印象。李小龙的功夫深深扎根在中国传统武术基础之上。 在中国武术界,少林寺以其独特的武术风格极负盛名,是中国宝贵的文化遗产。少林寺位于河南嵩山,初创于公元5世纪末。6世纪时有一位佛教大师菩提达摩在此修禅,面壁9年,修出了他长期静坐,创作了一套功法来调整身体内部“气”的循环,放松身心。少林功夫在长期发展过程中形成了极为丰富的形态,有所谓“少林72艺”的说法。举凡长拳、短拳、刀术、棍术、剑术等,都有自己的拿手绝招。 少林功夫也强调动静结合,正如一首歌中唱到“卧似一张弓,站似一颗松,不动不摇坐如神,走路一阵风。”少林功夫以拳禅合一为其最高标准。少林寺对中国武术产生了深远的影响。 China’s Martial Acts Traditionally, the Chinese love sports as an essential method for keeping fit as well as for entertainment, like the dragon-boat race during the Duanwu Festival, swings at the Qingming Festival, and climbing mountains during the Double-ninth Festival. As a county with diverse cultural tradition passed down from one generation to another over a long history, China has developed a variety of sports,including archery, traditional football, sumo and other forms of wresting,equestranism, martial arts, and acrobatics.Among these ,martial arts and acrobatics may be said to be the “superb”skill of China. Now I’d like to talk briefly about martial arts and go . When people talk of China’s martial arts, or kungfu, they most immediately think of Bruce Lee,and his great accomplishments in boxing swordplay and skill with knives and sticks. With his kungfu movies popularized throughout the world, he become the embodiment of Chinese martial arts. His dazzling three-section stick skills left a deep impression on audiences. Bruce Lee’s kungfu was deeply rooted in traditional Chinese martial arts. In Chinese martial arts circles, Shaolin Temple enjoys great repute for its distinct style of martial arts—precious feature of China’s cultural legacy.Shaolion Temple, located on songshan mountain in Henan provice,was first built at the end of 5th century.Bodhidharma, a Buddhist master , came here in the 6 th century,and through meditating by facing a wall for 9 y


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