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reform results, economy, a nd politica l system, and culture system, a nd social system, and di sci pline check system, a nd party of construction system reform soli d adva nce, tax, a nd fina ncial, and pri ce, a nd admi nistrative approval, a nd State-ow ned e nterprises, a nd e col ogical civilizati on, important f ield and key link reform made major progre ss, market in resour ces configurati on i n the of deci sive role significa ntly enhanced, Unpre cedented burst of momentum a nd vitality of economic a nd soci al devel opme nt. XI General Secretarys spee ch i n thi s regard include the reform only w hen t here is no complete, t he decisi ons of the CPC Central Committee on some major problems i n de epe ning reform notes on the 18 session of idea s into t he partys spirit of the reforms more difficult to move forwar d, the i ncrea sing use of the S oci alist system with Chi nese chara cteristics such a s the a bilit y to run the countr y. 4. wit h regard to promoti ng sustaine d and healt hy economi c devel opme nt. F ace complex cha ngeabl e of internati ona l situati on a nd difficult heavy of domesti c reform devel opment sta ble task, XI General Se cretary made China economic deve lopme nt into new normal of scie nce judge, proposed i nnovation, and coordi nation, and green, a ndope n, and shared five big development concept, im plementation macr o poli cy to sta bility, a nd i ndustry policy to a ssociate, a nd micr o poli cy to live, a nd reform policy to real , and social policy to backi ng five big pi llar sex poli cy, vig orously advance supply side structural reform, new conce pt, achieved has 2013 to 2015 during, Domesti c production total annual growth 7.3%, obviou sly fast Yu earlier w orld e conomic 2.3% of annual gr owth, on w orld e conomic gr owth of contri buti on over 25%, tertiary industry accounte d for dome stic pr oduction total share over 50%, event ually consumpti on on economic growth of contri bution rate reached 66 %, econ


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