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浙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract 浙江大学硕士学位论文 摘要 PAGE PAGE ii ERP在企业中的实施及对企业财务工作的影响研究 摘要 ERP集先进的管理思想与信息技术于一身,旨在提高企业的生产力从而提高其经济效益,它将企业各个部门、各个方面的资源进行整合重新调配,是信息化时代企业增强综合竞争力的有力工具。之间的联系,选择需要的条件。(2)提问:第(2)题你能先列表整理,再列 本文以某某集团下的某家工厂实施ERP(产品为JDE)为例,阐述ERP对企业财务工作的影响。通过实施前后的对比来阐述这一关系。因为ERP是一个业务与财务集成的系统,所以本文主要通过与业务相关联的财务工作及与业务无关的独立财务工作这两个角度来阐述企业财务是如何开展工作的,揭示ERP是如何对财务人员提出新的要求。并最终促进一个企业的财务管理。什么规律?(板书:商不变的规律)提问:什么是商不变的规律?小结:用 本文首先分析某某企业的案例背景,其次阐述采购业务末端在财务上的处理,再次阐述销售业务末端在财务上的处理,然后分模块阐述与业务无关的独立财务工作。最后小结实施体会。立计算,指名板演。检查:第一小题被除数和除数同时除以几以后再算的 关键词: ERP,JDE,财务管理,财务工作:在一个面观察物体,要注意这个面形状的特点。3.看图形,摆物体。出 浙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract Abstract ERP is an advanced management ideas and combined with information technologies , with the target of improving the productivity of enterprises to improve economic benefits. It intergrates all kinds of resources from each department and is the powerful tools in the information age to increase the overall competitiveness of enterprises. ,计算机,千千万万中小创业者渴望成功高中语文,语文试卷,计算机摇篮课 In this paper, described the impact of ERP on enterprise financial work by the implementation of ERP (ERP products is JDE) in a factory. It is mainly explained through the implementation of this before and after, because ERP is a business and financial integrated system. This paper is mainly through associated financial work with business and business irrelevant independent financial work to illustrate that how to carry out enterprise financial, revealing ERP is how to put forward new requirements on financial personnel and eventually promote an enterprise financial management. 机ID或物品课件以我国目前收费运营中高中语文,语文试卷,计算机几款主流络计 This paper fist analyses the case background, then describes the financial processing in purchasing business ends and sales business ends. In the following, explains the independent financial work with modules. Finally the au


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