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Cartilage 软骨  Cartilage a specialized kind of connective tissue and consists, as do other connective tissues, of cells and extracelular components. Cartilage is a unique, semi-rigid tissue which provides supporting structure for organs such as the trachea or the ear. Cartilage and Bone 软骨与骨 The cartilage is made up of cartilage tissue and the perichondrium. Cartilage is avascular and derives its nutrients by diffusion from surrounding tissues. Cartilage and Bone 软骨与骨 Chondrocytes reside in spaces of matrix called lacunae. Cartilage and Bone 软骨与骨 1.Cartilage Cells The cells, chondrocytes, occur isolated in small cavities in the extracelular, more abundant matrix, which consists of fibers embedded in a ground substance. The chondrocytes synthesize and secrete the extracellular matrix, and the cells themselves are located in matrix cavities called lacunae. Both chondroblasts and chondrocytes reside in spaces in the semi-rigid tissue matrix called lacunae. 2.Cartilage Matrix Collagens form the fiber network of cartilage matrix. The matrix of cartilage includes fibers and ground substance. Type II collagen predominates in hyaline cartilage while type I collagen is the dominant collagen in fibrocartil


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