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2020年12月15日11时54分;第1章 流体力学的基本概念;1.1 流体力学的研究方法;1.2 连续介质假设;1.2 连续介质假设[contd.];流体力学的模型;1.3 作用在流体上的力 应力场;式中 :流体微元体的质量; :作用在该微元体上的质量力;;②重力;③惯性力;1.3.2.表面力:;图1-1 作用在流体表面的质量力与表面力;1.3.3.应力场:;图1-3 一点处的应力关系(四面体);对于图1-2,在外法线为n的面上的点M的的应力为:;x、y、z方向上的面积投影关系:;作用在四面体上的外力还有质量力(包括惯性力);当四面体趋向于点M时,;;④静止和理想流体中的应力场;1.4 流体的性质及其模型的分类;1.4.2 惯性;;1.4.3重力特征;;This ratio is used to define the shear viscosity, η(eit ). The shear viscosity may depend on temperature, pressure, and shear rate. ;1687年, Isaac Newton 首先提出了流体粘度的模型。尽管Newton 定义的粘度是理想的。 但对于诸如低分子液体、稀薄的气体,在许多条件下仍然适用;然而对于诸如聚合物、溶液、熔液、血液、油墨和胶体悬浮液不能用Newton定律进行描述。这样的流体被称为 non-Newtonian.;对于二维平面 Couette流, Newton 定义的粘度可以由下式给出; 因此对于Newtonian fluid η = μ。注意:μ是 Newtonian-model 参数, 其与温度和压力有关; 而η是一个更一般的材料特性,可以随剪切率做非线性变化。;;流体与固体在摩擦规律上完全不同;;The absolute viscosity of a fluid divided by its density. Also known as coefficient of kinematic viscosity(运动粘度,相对粘度). ;Relative Viscosity(相对粘度) It is calculated experimentally by measuring the time that it takes for the pure solvent to pass through a certain tube, in certain conditions , and comparing it with the time it takes for the solution to pass through the same tube, in the same condition. The term Apparent Viscosity(表观粘度)is used when you calculate the viscosity of a non-Newtonian fluid by applying equations that are derived(派生、起源) for the viscosity of a Newtonian fluid. So it is not the actual viscosity. ;?Engler degree(恩氏度)0E—— 中国、德国前苏联等用 ?Saybolt Furol Second (赛氏秒)SSU —— 美国用 ?Redwood(雷氏秒)R —— 英国用 ?巴氏度 0B —— 法国用 ;In China, a scale used as a measure of kinematic viscosity. Symbol, E or °E. Unlike the Saybolt and Redwood scales, the Engler scale is based on comparing a flow of the substance being tested to the flow of another substance, namely water. Viscosity in Engler degrees is the ratio of the time of flow of 200 cubic(立方) centimeters of the oil whose viscosity is being measured to the time of flow of 200 cubic centimeters of water at the same temperature (usually 20°C but


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