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摘要 PAGE PAGE I 摘 要 随着我国经济社会的快速发展,中国工程机械行业蓬勃发展,目前我国工程机械制造行业内主导企业大都以国有企业及民营企业为主,企业技术创新力度不高以及落后的经营发展模式,使得产品的营销环节以及结构特征较为单一,并不具备独特的竞争优势和潜在性的目标客户。目前,国内工程机械行业的发展已经过渡到商品过剩阶段,改变了以往商品短缺的局面。企业与客户的合作关系由于受到市场供求关系的影响而产生了巨大转变,企业必须寻求创新的营销方式,从一次性的产品交易转换为更加注重长期合作的营销活动,维持与客户之间良好的合作关系,并创造客户所需的价值。 本文基于相关文献梳理和理论分析,选取QY工程机械公司为研究对象,分析其所处的宏观、中观及微观环境,通过SWOT分析企业的优势、劣势、机遇与威胁,并针对目前公司营销存在问题一一提出解决方案,采用4R营销策略进行优化,通过差异化产品,树立专业形象的关联营销策略;通过与上游供应商,下游客户,企业内部员工,同业竞争对手建立长久的关系营销策略,获得多方共赢;树立以客户为中心的营销理念,设立专门的产品市场信息岗位,建立畅通的互联网信息渠道,以此提高反应客户需求的速度,提高客户的忠诚度、占据长期稳定的市场;利用薄利多销和高附加值的产品回报策略来实现双赢。 关键词:工程机械 4R营销策略 客户忠诚度 PAGE IV PAGE III Abstract With the rapid development of Chinas economic and social, the Chinese construction machinery industry to flourish, at present our country engineering machinery manufacturing industry leading enterprises are mostly for state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, business model is relatively rigid, technology changes slowly, causing similar enterprises in the industry product structure and marketing mode, each enterprise mostly located in the same competition levels in the face of the same target customers. Market in China has risen from shortage to the relative excess phase, the change of supply and demand lead to fundamental changes in the relationship between businesses and their customers, the enterprise must seek innovative marketing mode, transfer from disposable products trading to pay more attention to the long-term cooperation of marketing activities, maintain good cooperation relationship with customers, and create customer value. Based on the related literature and theoretical analysis, selection of QY engineering machinery company as the research object, analyzing the macro, meso and micro environment, through the SWOT analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the enterprise, and according to the present company marketing strategy problem solution, using the 4R marketing strategy optimization, through product differentiatio


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