视觉传达设计 羊城新八景元素在利是封设计上的运用.docxVIP

视觉传达设计 羊城新八景元素在利是封设计上的运用.docx

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PAGE 羊城新八景元素在利是封设计上的运用 内容摘要□□ 广州简称“穗”,也可以称作羊城,经历时代的变迁和文化的累积。新世纪的羊城八景,能够折射出广州改革开放以来的巨变,浓缩了新时代的特征。利是封是春节期间一件必不可少的年俗物品,“派利是”是自中国古代以来延续的传统,其礼虽小,却包含了送礼者的心意和祝福。本文通过分析和提取羊城新八景元素,将其运用在利是封设计上,将二者相结合,不仅使利是封设计具有更多的现代文化特色,还能带动广州旅游景点文化的宣传,以及提升广州的城市形象和国际地位。同时,以利是封作为宣传羊城景点的年俗产品,不仅具有实用价值,而且有利于城市形象的提升。接收者对于利是封不会感到反感和抗拒,还会将其加以利用,或送予亲朋戚友。在这种互动中,城市的底蕴风采和文化能够很好地宣传和传播。本文根据论文研究的方向,以羊城新八景为图案元素,利是封为设计主体,进行设计实践,进一步探索现代新兴事物与传统年俗产品设计结合的可行性。 关键词: 新羊城八景元素 利是封 设计 应用 Abstract □ □Guangzhou is short for "Sui", also known as Yangcheng. It has experienced the baptism of wind and rain and the accumulation of culture.The eight sceneries of Yangcheng in the new century can reflect the great changes since the reform and opening up of Guangzhou and concentrate the distinguishing feature of the new age. From ancient times to now, Spring Festival is an indispensable traditional festival in China, only once a year, especially precious. During the Spring Festival, Li Shi Feng is an essential item. Although it is small, it contains the hearts and blessings of the giver. This paper analyzes and extracts the new eight landscape elements of Yangcheng element, applies them to the cover design of Li Shi Feng, and combines them to improve the international status and city image of Guangzhou, as well as to promote the publicity of Guangzhou's tourist attractions and culture. In the meantime, promote the annual custom products of Yangcheng scenic spots . Not only has utility value, but also is benefical to the advance of the city image. The recipient will not feel aversion and resistance to it, but will make use of it or send it to relatives and friends. In this interaction, the city's heritage and culture can be well publicized and spread. According to the research direction of the paper, this paper takes the new eight sceneries of Yangcheng as the design elements and the advantage as the design subject, carries on the design practice, and further explores the feasibility of the combination of


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