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初二英语8B第六单元复习要点 I. Useful expressions 1.train for a charity walk 为一个慈善步行活动受训 2.support me 支持我 3.It’s meaningful to do sth. 做某事是有意义的。 4.need some more food 需要更多的食物 5.invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 6.organize a charity walk 组织一次慈善步行活动 7.design a web page to advertise the 设计一张网页为这个活动做广告 event 8.people who need help 需要帮助的人 9.a disabled person 一位残疾人 10.an elderly person 一位年岁大的人 11.a homeless person 一位无家可归的人 12.deaf people 聋人 13.help them cross the road 帮助他们过马路 14.a fund raising event called Oxfam 一个叫作乐施会毅行者的慈善基金募集活动 Trailwalker 15.one of Hong Kong’s fund-raising 香港慈善基金募集活动之一 events 16.be known as 被作为``````了解 17.people in other parts of Asia and 亚洲和非洲其它地区的人 Africa 18.be held /take place in November 在11月举行 19.group themselves into a team of four 四人一组进行分组 people 20.tough/difficult hike 艰苦的远足 21.finish walking a 100-kilometre trail 在48小时内走完10万米路 within 48 hours 22.It means that 这意味着 23.walk two days and night without sleep 不睡觉走两天两夜 24.walk through parks 走过公园 25.walk over hills and mountains 翻山跃岭 26.an excellent chance 一个极好的机会 27.team spirit/teamwork 团队精神 28.plan everything together 一起计划所有的事情 29.the team’s finishing time will be 整个团队最终所用时间将被记录下来 recorded 30.It is necessary/ useful for sb to do sth. 对某人来说做某事 31.It is necessary/useful that 32.support teams 支持小组 33.keep sb comfortable 让某人舒服 34.upport development projects 支持发展计划 35.try one’s best to do sth 尽某人全力去做某事 36.an experience you will never forget 一次终身难忘的经历 37.a path through the country 乡间小路 38.collect money for 为……筹集资金 39.the process of growth 成长的过程 40.a money-collecting event 一次资金筹集活动 41.think of doing sth 考虑做某事 42.take part in 参加 43.fitness and training 健康和训练 44.form groups of four 组成四人一组的团队 45.the aim of sth 某事的目的 46.the aim is to 目的是去 47.create new words by putting two words 通过连接两个词来创造新词 together 48.add a hyphen between the two words 在两个词中间加上一个连字符 49.add hyphens if necessary 如果必要的话加上连字符 50.bring a first aid box 带上一个急救箱 51.look down on /upon sb 看不起某人 52.do voluntary work 做支援工作 53.exercise t


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