大学课程学术英语读写writing problems.ppt

大学课程学术英语读写writing problems.ppt

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1、主谓一致、单复数。 2、一个单句内出现一个以上的实义动词。 3、两个独立单句间的连接问题。 4、用词单一,无变化。 5、文章结构混乱,观点叙述不清晰、缺乏层次感。 6、开头和结尾分布不均,存在头重脚轻的现象。 拼写 1. smile (simili ,Simile,) 20 (20th ) First (fist, fristly) Info mation age 断行要加-; 字的间距也不能太大。 2. 语法 1) As the best friend of you. (yours) 2) A more happier life (a much happier life, a more happy life) 3) I have been down with flue several days ago! (since several days age) 4) I would rather to go but I must stay at home. (would rather go) (I’d rather walk than take a bus. Br.E. would rather; Amr. E. had rather I’d rather you posted the letter right away. 我倒希望你立即寄出这封信。) 5) There is something happened to me. There is something which /that happened to me. Or. Something happened to me. There is something inflicted on me. 6) the ad indeedly plays an important role. Indeed. 7) I’m in favor of this phenomenon that mainly stems from as follows 宜:…stems from the following reasons 8)show Show showed shown 3. 用词欠妥 1)What a pity it is that I wouldn’t share your joy! (Couldn’t) 2)Social disease 性病;社会性的病,如肺病 3)You know being 20 years old is actually a very wonderful, perfect time for a girl. 词语累赘 4) compared with the days decade years ago. 改:i) compared with the days decades ago. ii) compared with the days decades of years ago. 5)At present, the advertisement has gone into people’s daily life without consciousness. 1)fuzzy: 谁是“”的施事?广告?人们?2)aware: a. having knowledge or realization of sb/sth. B. well-informed 宜用awareness, 意为觉察;consciousness “意识”指健康、清醒;也多指更高层次的对“重要性”、“意义”、“后果”等的感知。人一般先“aware”,即觉察到,然后才进一步 “意识到”其意义、影响。简言之,awareness浅;consciousness深。 4. 写作技巧类 1)开头不要绕大弯子。宜单刀直入,直接点题。 2) 首段不宜太长,造成头重脚轻 3)大小写;标点符号 4)时间充裕,反而久拖不决;下笔游疑,涂来改去。 5)段落不易分清;注意缩行;梯形; 6)不要用铅笔写。 Some tips 将动词转化为介词 E.g.他带学生到工厂去参观 He took his students to the factory for a visit. 将动词转化为过去分词或现在分词作状语 E.g.给我充分时间,我也能做好 Given enough time, I can do it too. E.g.他


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