人教高一英语必修三unit 全套.pptx

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Lead-in;Have you seen the film or the novel? Can you name its title in English?;And do you know who the author is?;The starting of the movie “The Million Pound Note”:;The Million Pound Bank Note;Learning Goals;2. Words and Expressions ;Expressions: bring up, go ahead, by accident, stare at, account for, on the contrary, take a chance, in rags, as for;4. Grammar ; Emotion Goals; Important and Difficult points;Difficult Points;Warming Up;The Million Pound Bank Note;About the film;Splendid dialogue ;Mark Twain, whose stories of the youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn won him a worldwide audience, was born in 1835. He was an American writer, journalist and;Mark Twain: the author of The Million Pound Bank Note;;The House Twain ever Lived in;Humorous quotations by Mark Twain; 美国有一个百万富翁,他的左眼坏了,于是就花了许多钱请人给他装了一只假眼。这只假眼装得真好,乍一看,谁也不会认出是假的。这个百万富翁十分得意,常常在人们面前夸耀他的这只假眼。 有一次,这个百万富翁碰到了马克.吐温,问道:“马克·吐温先生,你能猜得出来吗,我哪一只眼睛是假的?” 马克.吐温端详了一阵,便用手指着他的左眼说:“这只是假的。” 这个百万富翁万分惊讶,不解地问:“你怎么能知道的呢?根椐什么?” 马克.吐温这时十分平静地回答道:“因为你这只眼睛里还有一点点慈悲!” 这个百万富翁听了马克.吐温的回答后,脸上一阵红一阵白,羞愧无言。;Real name; A penniless (poor) and lost young American in London becomes the subject of a bet between two rich and eccentric (古怪的) English gentlemen. They want to know how a poor man do and live with a million pound note. And a series of funny things happened …;Pre-reading;Reading ;;Time and place;2. Read the statement below after reading. For each statement ,write “F” if it is a fact(事实). Write “O” if it is an opinion(观点).;3. Describe how Henry’s feelings change during the conversation after reading the text again. Find out what Henry says or does on the different occasions and then use your own words to describe it.;occasions;occasions;occasions;;Answer key to question 1: It was his first visit to London so nobody knew him. He had no money so he would have to rely on the bank note. They thought he looked honest because he asked for a job and not charity.;Answer key to question 2:


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