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关于儿童英语故事短文 In a village in the mountain in front, there was a man named Wang Laowu notorious for his laziness. 前山村里有个王老五,懒得出奇, Everyone called him “Lazy Laowu”, but he never admitted he was lazy. Whenever someonecalled him “Lazy Laowu”, he would glare and say: 大家都叫他“懒老五”。可是王老五从来不承认自己懒,一听有人叫他“懒老五”,他就瞪眼,说: “Who is lazy? It is just that I dont want to make my efforts in vain.” “谁懒了?我只是不愿意干那种白费劲的活儿罢了。” One day he went out. Before he had taken several steps, he stumbled and fell down. 有一天,他出门刚走了两步就跌了一跤。 He got up and walked for a few more steps, then fell down again. 他爬起来走了儿步,又跌了一跤。 This time he lay on the ground and would not get up. He said to himself: 这一回,他索性趴在地上不起来了。他自言自语地说: “If I knew this earlier, why did I get up in the first place?” “早知如此,刚才何必爬起来呢!” One day a man walking on the road met a celestial, who happened to be an old friend of his. 一天,有个人走在路上遇到一个神仙。原来,这个神仙还是他的老朋友呢。 Seeing that his life was hard, the celestial pointed with his finger at a brick on the roadside, which turned into a gold brick at once. 神仙看到他生活很困难,就用手指朝路边的一块砖头一指,砖头立即变成了金砖。 And he gave it to the man. 神仙把金砖送给了他。 But the man was not satisfied. The celestial pointed again with his finger at a large stone lion at the gate, which at once turned into a gold lion. 他并不满足。神仙又把手指一指,门前的一尊大石狮马上变成了一尊金狮, And he gave it to him too. But the man still complained it was not enough. 也送给了他。可是他仍旧嫌少。 The celestial asked him: 神仙问他: “My friend, how much will be enough for you? What should I do to satisfy you?” “朋友,你要多少才能满足?我怎么做你才满意?” The man hummed and hawed and said:“I want your finger.” 他支支吾吾地说:“我想要你的这个手指头!” One day, the phoenix celebrated its birthday and all the birds came to congratulate it exceptthe bat. 一天,凤凰做寿,百鸟都来庆贺,只有蝙蝠没有来。 The phoenix was very angry and blamed the bat: 凤凰非常恼火,谴责蝙蝠说: “I am the king of birds, and you are my subordinate. Why are you so arrogant and i


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