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爱因斯坦和妻子的故事双语 Ask people what Einstein did and they’ll say “Relativity.” Ask them what relativity is and you’ll get an awkward silence. All most people understand about it is that you’re supposed to know it’s important. 问人们爱因斯坦做过什么他们会说是“相对论”再问他们什么是相对论你会得到尴尬的沉默,你应该知道它很重要大多数人都能明白 As Walter Isaacson said in his wonderful biography, Einstein “devised a revolutionary quantum theory of light, helped prove the existence of atoms, explained Brownian motion, upended the concept of space and time, and produced what would become science’s best known equation.” 沃尔特·艾萨克森在他精彩的传记里说道,爱因斯坦创立了一种革命性的量子光学理论,帮助证明了原子的存在,解释了布朗运动,颠覆了时间和空间的概念,并产生量科学中最著名的公式。 His work was so impactful that everyone knew he would one day win a Nobel Prize—but he had achieved so much that people weren’t sure for which breathtaking accomplishment he would get it. 每个人都知道他的成果如此有冲击力总有一天会得到诺贝尔浆,但他已经取得了那么多人们还没有证实的惊人成就。 When he finally did win the prize in 1921, ironically, he didn’t get it for relativity theory. 讽刺的是在1921年当他得到大奖的时候,他还没有提出相对论。 And the bulk of the work he was celebrated for he accomplished in one year, 1905, when he was twenty-six years old. Not bad for a guy who was rejected for military service because he had sweaty feet. 他大部分著名的成果是在1905年,他26岁那一年完成的。 对于一个因为汗脚而被拒绝兵役的家伙来说这并不算坏事。 Unlike Newton, Einstein was charming, committed to social justice, and had a family and children. 与牛顿不同,爱迪生很有魅力,致力于社会公正,并且他有家庭和孩子。 But similar to his reclusive predecessor, he lived in a world of ideas, in his own head. 但与他隐居的前任一样,他生活在他头脑中的思想世界里。 Obviously, he was a genius, but his real superpower was the incredible time and focus he put into his work. Though surrounded by fame, friends, and family, he still lived a life that was often cerebrally detached, the better to explore his ideas. 显然,他是一个天才,但他真正的超能力是他投入工作中的惊人时间和精力。虽然周围是名声、朋友、家庭,但他生活中仍然让他的大脑去探索他的想法。 This obviously paid off in terms of career success. It was a Faustian bargain, though. Einstein did no



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