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出纳英文自我评价怎么写 As an accountant, in all aspects of business are careful about, patience, enthusiasm. Since the work, due to their continuous efforts, in all respects have made great progress. Work is also a successful completion, and now the individual identification is as follows: Since xx July 21 joined xx Road Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd., with the leadership and colleagues in the companys teaching, training and help, making me in the ideological, work, study all aspects have been improved to varying degrees. Some of the previous work experience and school-related exercise in the work I have engaged in this now have some help, but many things need to re-understand and experience. Learning and practice can produce results of mutual integration, which are inseparable from the patient leadership unit of instruction and intangible body and mind, which I sincerely express my gratitude. Now my probation period since the relevant work summary is as follows: 1. Reimbursement: in strict accordance with the requirements of the financial system, handling expenses reimbursement matters, handling cash, online banking, check the receipt and payment business, so that the cash Nissin statements, reimbursement accurate, and special circumstances, special treatment. 2. Software accounting: timely registration in the financial software, cash, bank accounts, accurate receipt and payment, and regular checks with bank accounts. 3. Statement: according to the weekly capital statements, according to the needs of the preparation of balance sheet. 4. Cash, bills, check and document management: cash and notes management properly, perfect, notes and documents received in time registration, so that evidence to follow. 5. Payroll: the monthly payment of wages in a timely manner and accurate. 6. Banks matters: the daily banking business, mainly including the use of reserve funds, bank account opening, financial prod


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