新教材2022届高考英语人教版一轮复习课件:选择性必修第三册 UNIT 1-5(付,222页).pptx

新教材2022届高考英语人教版一轮复习课件:选择性必修第三册 UNIT 1-5(付,222页).pptx

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;内容索引;;1.in particular尤其;特别 [教材原句] In particular,his paintings are set apart from other paintings by their realistic human faces and deep emotional impact.(P2) 特别是,他的绘画与其他绘画不同的是真实的面部和深刻的情感影响。;语境巧练 [单句语法填空] (1)Mr Brown is a very open-minded man,and won’t be particular about/over these small things. (2)This kind of food is rich in nutrition,and in particular it contains a lot of minerals. (3)The restaurant is particularly (particular) popular with young people.;[小话题写作] (4)在中国参加朋友的晚宴时,你要行为举止恰当,尤其要注意餐桌礼仪。 When you attend your friend’s dinner party in China,you’d better behave properly,particularly paying attention to minding your table manners.;考点必记 ;2.set apart from使与众不同;使突出;使优于…… [教材原句] In particular,his paintings are set apart from other paintings by their realistic human faces and deep emotional impact.(P2) 特别???,他的绘画与其他绘画不同的是真实的面部和深刻的情感影响。;语境巧练 [用set的相关短语填空] (1)Her natural athleticism set her apart from other tennis players.? (2)Tom will set down all his important thoughts in his diary when they are fresh in his mind.? (3)Armed with the information you have gathered,you can set about preparing your plan.? (4)You’d better set aside some time every day for ? sports so that you can keep yourself energetic. (5)We set out to prepare supper the moment we returned home.?;考点必记 set aside将……放在一边;为……节省或保留(钱或时间) set off动身;出发;引爆;引发 set up建立;开办 set down写下;放下 set out (to do sth)出发;开始(做某事) set about (doing sth)着手(做某事) [佳句背诵] I sincerely hope you can set aside some time for the art feast. 我真诚地希望您能抽出一些时间来看这场艺术盛宴。;3.rank n.地位;级别;行列 vt. vi.把……分等级;使排成行 [教材原句] Kings,nobles,and people of high rank wanted to purchase accurate pictures of themselves and the people they loved.(P2)国王、贵族和上等人物都想购买他们自己和他们所爱的人的精准照片。;语境巧练 [单句语法填空] (1)Word came that Chinese sports delegation had won 70 medals in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio,ranking (rank) the 3rd of the medal list. (2)Today’s match ranks as one of the most exciting games that these two have ever played. (3)Cuvier wanted to turn natural history



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