新教材2022届高考英语人教版一轮复习课件:选择性必修第二册 UNIT 1-5(付,241页).pptx

新教材2022届高考英语人教版一轮复习课件:选择性必修第二册 UNIT 1-5(付,241页).pptx

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;内容索引;;1.contradictory adj.相互矛盾的;对立的;不一致的 [教材原句] In general,doctors in those days had two contradictory theories to explain how cholera spread.(P2) 总的来说,对于霍乱的传播途径,那时候的医生有两种对立的理论。;语境巧练 [用所给词的适当形式填空] (1)The witnesses gave two completely contradictory (contradict) descriptions. [小话题写作] (2)跟维生素有关的新研究和声明每天都公布出来,而且很多都自相矛盾。 New studies and claims about vitamins are published daily,and many seem to contradict each other.;考点必记 (1)self-contradictory 自相矛盾的 contradictory information矛盾信息 (2)contradict vt.反驳 contradict oneself 自相矛盾 contradict each other 互相矛盾 contradict sb反驳某人;2.infection n.感染;传染 [教材原句]Another was that cholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water.(P2) 另一种理论是霍乱是由食物或水中的细菌感染引起的。;语境巧练 [用所给词的适当形式填空] (1)There is a virus that infects (infect) word-processing documents recently. (2)The open wound soon became infected (infect). [小话题写作] (3)这种病毒在短短几天内感染了数千台计算机。 This virus infected thousands of computers within days. (4)她那快乐的情绪和笑声感染了全班。 Her cheerful spirits and laughter infect(ed) the whole class.;考点必记 (1)prevent infection 防止感染 skin infection皮肤感染 (2)infect vt.传染;感染 infected adj.感染的 be infected with 被感染 (3)infectious adj.传染性的 infectious laughter富有感染力的笑声 a highly infectious disease 传染性极高的疾病;3.subscribe vi.认购(股份);定期订购;定期交纳(会费);赞同 [教材原句]Snow subscribed to the second theory.(P2) 斯诺赞同第二个观点。;语境巧练 [单句语法填空] (1)Most scientists subscribe to the view that the earth is becoming warmer because of human activities. [小话题写作] (2)我们已经订阅了一份晚报。 We have subscribed to an evening newspaper. (3)每个雇员可以认购价值不超过2 000美元的股票。 Each employee may subscribe for up to $2,000 worth of shares.;考点必记 (1)subscribe to an animal protection society 向一个动物保护协会捐款 subscribe to a magazine订阅一本杂志 subscribe to 同意;赞同 subscribe for认购(股份) (2)subscriber n.订阅者;订户;4.suspect vt. vi.怀疑;疑有;不信任 n.犯罪嫌疑人;可疑对象 [教材原句]Snow suspected that the water pump was to blame.(P2) 斯诺怀疑水泵是罪魁祸首。;语境巧练 [用所给词的适当形式填空] (1)(2020·新高考全国Ⅰ卷)In Samarkand,Mr Bissell admires the architectural wonders,while on his way to Bukhara he gets a taste of pol



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