新教材2022届高考英语人教版一轮复习课件:选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1-5(付,216页).pptx

新教材2022届高考英语人教版一轮复习课件:选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1-5(付,216页).pptx

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;内容索引;;1.test out检验;测试 [教材原句] It was going to be tested out by Larry’s wife,Claire.(P2)该机器人将由拉里的夫人克莱尔来测试。;语境巧练 [用out的相关短语填空] (1)The new product which will be tested out next month is a combination of traditional methods and artificial intelligence.? (2)They let out oxygen which is needed by nearly every organism on the planet.? (3)There were people at the entrance giving out leaflets.? (4)Players have to try out for the team and be approved by a majority of players.?;考点必记 ;2.more like更像是;更接近 [教材原句] He seemed more like a human than a machine.(P2)他看上去更像一个人,而不像一台机器。;语境巧练 [完成句子] (1)没有哪个地方能像大学城那样让你感到未老先衰。 There is nothing like a college town to make you feel old before your time. (2)我们可以从孩子身上学到很多,可以在某些方面更像他们。 We can learn a lot from children and be more like them in some ways. (3)乍看上去,这个地方不像是首府,更像是矿工村。 At first sight the place looked less like a capital city than a mining camp.;[小语境作文] (4)那个盲人摸了大象后说,大象比其他的东西更像长矛。 Having felt the elephant,the blind man said that it was more like a spear than anything else.;考点必记 less like不像 nothing like丝毫不像;绝对不 there is nothing like没有比……好的 something like有点像 anything like与……相像,多用于疑问句或否定句中。;3.there位于句首的倒装句 [教材原句] As she turned around,there stood Gladys Claffern.(P2) 她刚一转过身去,就看到格拉迪丝?克拉芬站在那儿。;语境巧练 [完成句子] (1)在山顶上有一座木塔。 There stands a wooden tower on top of the hill. (2)老师和她的学生们来了。 Here comes the teacher and her students.;(3)一听到主人的声音,这条狗就冲了出去。 Out rushed the dog when it heard its master’s voice. (4)我们房子的前面有一棵高大的千年古树。 Just in front of our house stands a tall tree with a history of 1,000 years. (5)——公共汽车来了。——是的,来了。 —Here comes the bus. —Yes,here it comes.;考点必记 (1)当表示地点的here和 there位于句首时,其后用完全倒装形式。这类倒装句的谓语通常是动词be和come,go等表示移动或动态的动词。 (2)表示时间、地??和动作转移的副词,如now,then,up,down,in,away,out等置于句首,且主语是名词,谓语动词是不及物动词时,句子需用完全倒装。如果句子的主语是代词,动词要放在主语之后。 (3)当表语是分词、副词、形容词、介词短语,主语比较长且主语是名词时,为了保持平衡或强调表语,常把表语放在句首,引起句子完全倒装。句型结构为:分词/副词/形容词/介词短语+be+主语。;4.suggest+that从句 [教材原句]He suggested that she invite Gladys and her friends to the house the night before he was to leave and



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