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Lead by example in all you do And others will strive to emulate you.;Whether you’re the boss or the crew, You need a positive attitude.;Introduce better safety to the workplace By fact finding – not fault finding.;Don’t let injuries sideline your team.;Safety…manage it, don’t bandage it.;Bandages cannot hide the pain and hurt When safety has not been planned in work.;Eliminate training – Increase claiming.;Is your safety program falling short of its goals?;An unattended helm… Digs up big safety problems.;Teach realities – reduce fatalities.;When safety’s not prevalent, Profits aren’t evident.;Don’t cut back on safety to increase your margins, For to budget on safety is never a bargain.;The safety slob- Your profits he’ll rob.;Put enthusiasm into your safety meetings and succeed.;Don’t extinguish the possibilities. Train employees on fire safety.;Ensure your staff and new hires Know all about possible fires.;High level decisions Must include safety provisions.;You’re never too high up To worry about safety.;A good safety program starts at the top.;Safety starts at the top Through management commitment And employee participation. ;Safety pays; it doesn’t cost.;Safety on the job requires precision, But always avoid a split – decision.;Safety is the cheapest premium.;Safety is The most important aspect of our business!;Safety is our aim. Hope your thoughts are the same;Safety is just good business.;Safety is by choice, not by chance.;Safety is a commitment everyone must stand by.;Safety in the workplace is common cents.;Safety can be charted like production, When it goes down it costs!;Safety awareness is the key To any effective safety program.;Recognition is the best motivation;Put safety in a class by itself: educate;Profits only increase when accidents decrease.;Proper training is the first step in safety.;Proper planning prevents poor performance.;Plan for safety Don’t get caught up in your work.;Noise can be cured; deafness can’t.;Make safety rules more than jus


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