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台湾大学英语考试真题卷 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Which of the following statements is true A.The money did not reach the Fisher Bank. B.The money reached the wrong bank. C.The money reached the bank after he was arrested. D.The money reached the bank before he was arreste 参考答案:D [试题分析] 此题考考生“根据材料进行推理”的能力。 [详细解答] 通读全文知汇款到达了指定的银行,因而只能选C或D。再考虑汇款到达的时间。根据“He was sent to prison for six days.”及“It came by telegram...more than two months ago.”知汇款在Mr.Jackson被捕前就到了。因此选择D。 2.According to the passage, which of the following statements is wrong A.Modern African politicians approve of tribal divisions. B.A person is usually taken care of by his own tribe. C.Africans consider it an obligation to give a job to a fellow tribesman. D.Tribalism is still a powerful force in day-to-day African lif 参考答案:A [试题分析] 此题考查考生“根据材料进行推理”的能力。 [详细解答] 见原文第二段“Modem African politicians publicly speak out against tribal divisions.Yet it remains perhaps the most powerful force in day-to-day African life.”因此推知现今非洲领导人反对种族分离,只是这种现象仍客观存在。因此选择A。 3.One example of how a tribe takes care of its own people is ______. A.a force that can be both good and bad B.very strong loyalty to ones ethnic group C.tribal loyalty may mean a quick promotion D.it is important to be loyal to ones own tribal group 参考答案:C [试题分析] 此题考查考生“根据材料进行推理”的能力。 [详细解答] 见原文第一段“It makes sure that a person is taken care of by his own group.”以下各句均为该句的例证。其中包括“Tribal loyalty may mean a quick promotion”。因此选择C。 4.What is the definition of tribalism A.Sharing among members of the extended family. B.Giving a job to a fellow tribesman. C.A force that can be both good and bad. D.People have the same religious belie 参考答案:A [试题分析] 此题考查学生“对某些细节的把握”的能力。 [详细解答] 见原文第一段第三句。“By definition tribalism means sharing among members of the extended family.” 5.How many examples are there as evidence of tribalism A.Four. B.Two. C.One. D.Thre 参考答案:D [试题分析] 此题考查考生“根据材料进行推断”的能力。 [详细解答] 见原文第二段“As evidence of tribalis


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