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海南大学英语考试考前冲刺卷(4) 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.The first paragraph of the text deals mainly with the earth atmosphere's. A.sheltering effect B.reviving effect C.invigorating effect D.cleansing effect 参考答案:A 属主旨思想题,考查第一段的内容概括。第一段主要介绍大气层是地球的保护者。 2.According to the text, fossil studies of radiolaria are significant because they. A.live in the depths of the ocean B.are one-celled C.have survived through the ages D.demonstrates climatic changes prior to humans 参考答案:D 属信息推断题。第三段讲到放射虫的化石研究这个例子,目的是为了证明本段主题即第一句话,“气候变化过于复杂,不能只归因于人类活动”。则证明在人类出现之前已经有气候的变化了。 3.The best definition of "biosphere". as it is used in the text is. A.the protective envelope formed by the atmosphere around the living earth B.that part of the earth and its atmosphere in which life can exist C.the living things on earth whose existence is made possible by circulation of the atmosphere D.the circulation of the atmosphere's contribution to life on earth 参考答案:B 属概念理解题。根据第一段,生物圈是指能够维持生命的地球区域。只有B项符合这个定义。 4.According to the text, the fundamental cause of the ice ages is. A.periodic changes in the earth's orbit around the sun B.fossil remains of one-celled animals C.alternating cold and warm seasons D.changes in distance of the earth from the sun 参考答案:A 属事实细节题。第三段结尾指出:“地球轨道结构的变化导致冰川期。” 5.Why does Jacky think the Internet is healthier than television A.You do not have any choice when watching TV. B.You communicate with other people on Internet. C.Television does harm to your body’s health. D.Internet allows you to know more about the real world. 参考答案:B 原文中有“But on Internet,you have absolute freedom to choose your information and you can communicate with your friends by emails,or by chatting online,or by leaving messages on BBS.”一句。 6.Where has the girl got the information she told the boy A.From TV. B.From newspaper. C.From her psychology class. D.From a lecture. 参考答案:D 原文中有“Several days ago,I attended a lectured.The professor told us that Internet


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