02 写人记叙文2-2021年高考英语写作考前快速提分秘籍.pptx

02 写人记叙文2-2021年高考英语写作考前快速提分秘籍.pptx

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写人记叙文(下);总结第二段模板 Sara is a …..woman in her…, with a …build, …eyes and …hair. (Sara, who has a…build,…eyes and…hair, is a …woman in her….) Although she dresses…,she… ;Personalities 如何生动地描写性格特点 1)学会非谓语作状语 2)学会举例 3)学会因果表达 ;词汇扫盲 自身特点 勤奋的:diligent 勤学好问的:inquiring 兢兢业业的:dedicated 自信的:self-assured 雄心勃勃的:ambitious 执著的,坚定的:determined 谦虚的:modest ;对他人态度 爱社交的,爱扎堆的:sociable 易相处的:easy-going 性情温和的:even-tempered 彬彬有礼的:polite 可靠的,值得信赖的:reliable 真诚的:sincere 诚实的:honest 热情的:enthusiastic ;乐观的 optimistic 悲观的 pessimistic;重点句型4:非谓语动词作伴随状语 基本方法:性格+肢体行为 Mark seems to be rather shy and unsociable, usually sitting silently in the corner of the classroom. ;常常使用:look,walk,smile,sit,stand,lie等等 He is friendly and easy-going, (usually)对每个遇到的人都报以微笑. He is friendly and easy-going, usually smiling at every one she meets. ;The boy seems to be rather shy and unsociable,总是盯着天花板当说话时。 The boy seems to be rather shy and unsociable, always staring at the ceiling when speaking to people. ;The man is greedy and a miser,_____________________. The man is greedy and a miser, always watching his pennies carefully. ;句型5:学会举例 For example/instance, 句子 A good case in point is that 句子 An example of this is the fact that 句子 ;Jason is very sociable and ambitious, always going to parties and meeting people. An example of this is the fact that he is already the president of the school debating society. ;The man is greedy and a miser, always watching his pennies carefully. A good case in point is that 他打车绝不坐前面。 The man is greedy and a miser, always watching his pennies carefully. A good case in point is that he never chooses to sit in the front when he takes a taxi with his friends. ;My cousin seems to be rather lazy and unambitious, usually leaning against the wall whenever he can. For instance, 他从来不会主动(voluntarily )做家务活。 ;Sandra is a rather naughty girl, enjoying making fun of people and getting them into trouble. An example of this is the fact that she once put the shampoo in her teachers cup and was then punished t



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