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情态动词 情态动词是高考考查的重点语法项目之一, 2005 年全国 17 套高考试题对此都有考查。下面就近 几年来高考试题中出现的情态动词的考点进行归纳分析,以便同学们复习掌握。 一、 情态动词表推测 1. 肯定的推测一般用 must, should, may (might )或 could (不用 can ),其中, must 的语 气最强,译为 “肯定 ”、 “准是 ”、 “想必是 ”; should 的语气次之,译为 “很可能 ”、 “应该 ”,指按常 理推测; may (might ),could 的语气最弱,译为 “也许 ”、 “可能 ”。 ① Helen _______ go on the trip with us but she isn ’t quite sure yet. (2005 年安 徽卷) A. shall B. must C. may D. can ② — I ’ve taken someone else ’s green sweater by mistake. — It ___ Harry ’s. He always wears green. (2005 年广东卷) A. has to be B. will be C. mustn ’t be D. could be ③ I have lost one of my gloves. I _______ it somewhere. (2005 年北京春季卷) A. must drop B. must have dropped C. must be dropping D. must have been dropped ④ If I ____ plan to do anything I wanted to ,I ’d like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible. (2005 年湖北卷) A. would B. could C. had to D. ought to 2. 否定推测分为两种情况: 1 )语气不很肯定时,常用 may not, might not 或 could not ,译为 “可能不 ”、 “也许不 ”。 You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers ______ not like the design of the furniture. (2004 年上海春季卷) A. must B. shall C. may D. need 2 )否定语气较强时,则用 can ’t ,译为 “根本不可能 ”、 “想必不会 ”,表示惊异、怀疑的感 情色彩。 ① — Do you know where David is? I couldn ’t find him anywhere. — Well. He ______ have gone far —— his coat ’s still here. (2005 年湖北卷) A. shouldn ’t B. mustn ’t C. can ’t D. wouldn ’t ② — Isn ’t that Ann ’s husband over there? — No, it _______ be him I ’m sure he doesn ’t wear glasses. (2004 年全国卷Ⅰ) A.


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