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48 48 内容摘要 经济的发展带动了人们对于出差、旅游的需求,为市场的带来了各类的商机,酒店就是其中的一个,GDP 的高速增长为酒店行业的发展注入了大量的资金,为酒店从业人员带来了巨大的经济效益,但同时人们对各个行业有了更高的要求,倘若跟不上时代的要求,面临的便是市场冷酷的淘汰,所以如何提升自身的竞争力与服务水平便与酒店的生存有直接的关系,本文充分的考虑到以上的因素以及系统的需求,设计了基于 NodeJs 的酒店信息管理系统。 本系统的后台是基于 NodeJs 的 express 框架,前端采用 vue.js 框架搭建,依赖于 Mango 数据库的 WEB 系统,该系统服务于管理人员,系统具备酒店预定、客户入住、订单管理、账务管理、客人管理、房间管理、营业数据统计功能,整个系统在开发的过程中充分的考虑到实际的需求及系统的可靠性,实践证明本系统符合设计的初衷。 关键词:酒店系统、Node、Express、Vue.Js、MongoDB、Element-ui Abstract Economic development has driven peoples demand for business travel and tourism, and brought various business opportunities to the market, Hotel is one of them. The rapid growth of GDP has injected a lot of funds into the development of hotel industry and brought huge economic benefits to hotel employees. At the same time, people have higher requirements for various industries. If they fail to keep up with the requirements of the times, they will face the cold elimination of the market. So how to improve their competitiveness and service level is directly related to the survival of the hotel, In this paper, the hotel information management system based on nodejs is designed considering the above factors and the requirements of the system. The background of this system is based on the express framework of nodejs. The front-end is built with the framework of vue.js and relies on the web system of mango database, The system serves the management personnel, and has the functions of hotel reservation, guest check-in, order management, account management, guest management, room management, business data statistics, In the development process of the whole system, the actual requirements and the reliability of the system are fully considered, and the practice proves that the system conforms to the original intention of the design. Key Word:Hotel System、Node、Express、Vue.Js、MongoDB、Element-ui 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 内容摘要 4 Abstract 5 目录 6 第一章 绪论 9 1.1项目的开发背景与意义 9 1.2国内外发展状况与分析 9 1.3项目的内容与目标 10 1.4本


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