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内容摘要 西关童谣作为中国童谣的一个分支,以一种野性直白而独特的文字传承着广州西关的文化历史。而其传播途径是口耳相传,少量文化产物输出仍然是墙绘。鲜少有从美学或审美角度进行艺术创作的,相关研究呈现出屈指可数的地步。实际上西关童谣作为一种近乎于“原始”的民间民俗艺术,代表着西关的传统文化,尤其是其粤语口语部分更能凸显粤语地区和西关的独特语言文化魅力。 本文将以一种调查研究的方式了解西关文化,研究西关童谣蕴含的艺术价值和魅力,挖掘西关童谣所传承的广州传统文化和历史。总结归纳里面的广州传统文化创意元素。 创新设计为开拓西关童谣的表达形式,以水墨肌理的元素结合创作新的西关童谣系列插画。先调查了解广府传统艺术的表现形式和艺术特征,以其为参考。结合浓淡适宜的水墨肌理为主要设计风格,将西关传统文化元素融入插画设计里面。 意旨将西关童谣非物质文化的应用研究向更多元化的方向扩展,增加西关童谣文化的美学魅力,从而达到继承传统和发扬经典的时代意义和存史价值。 关键词:西关童谣 民俗文化 水墨肌理 插画 Abstract as a branch of Chinese nursery rhymes, Xiguan nursery rhymes have passed on the cultural history of Guangzhou and Xiguan in a wild, straightforward and unique language. The way of its transmission is word of mouth, a small number of cultural output is still wall painting. Rarely from the aesthetic or aesthetic point of view of artistic creation, the relevant research has shown a handful of status. In fact, as a kind of primitive folk art, Xiguan Nursery rhymes represent the traditional culture of Xiguan, especially the Cantonese part, which can highlight the unique charm of Cantonese and Xiguan. In this paper, we will learn about the culture of Xiguan, the artistic value and charm of Xiguan nursery rhymes, and the traditional culture and history of Xiguan nursery rhymes. Summarize the creative elements of Guangzhou traditional culture. The innovative design is to explore the expressive form of Xiguan nursery rhymes by combining elements of ink texture to create a new illustration series of Xiguan nursery rhymes. First of all, to investigate the traditional art of Guangfu form of expression and artistic characteristics, as a reference. Incorporating traditional Xiguan cultural elements into the illustration design, the main design style is a combination of the appropriate tone and texture of the ink. It aims to expand the applied research of non-material culture of Xiguan nursery rhymes in a more diversified direction, and increase the aesthetic charm of Xiguan nursery rhymes, so as to inherit the tradition and c


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