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毕业论文 题目:基于电子商务背景下网上书店现状与发展策略研究 基于电子商务背景下网上书店现状与发展策略研究 摘 要 近些年以来,随着我国互联网建设的不断完善,为电子商务的发展提供了温床,在这一背景下,杰出企业家马云先生开创了中国的电子商务时代。随着电子商务这一概念的不断盛行,电子商务在中国急剧发展,逐渐变得与我们的生活息息相关,这对我国各行各业都造成了较大的冲击。网上书店因为快捷便利、图书种类繁多等特点赢得了市场的青睐,并且已成为同行业的骨干。为了顺应时代的发展,本文着重从两个方面对我国的网上书店进行了分析,这两个方面分别是其市场结构和市场行为。分析结果将直接作用于我国本土的网上书店,为科学化我国现有的网上书店作出指导并为我国现阶段电子商务存在的问题找到一些科学合理的应对措施。 关键词 网上书店;发展现状;应对策略;电子商务; RESEARCH ON THE STATUS QUO AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF ONLINE BOOKSTORES BASED ON E-COMMERCE ABSTRACT In recent years, with the continuous improvement of Chinas Internet construction, it has provided a hotbed for the development of e-commerce. Under this background, Mr. Ma Yun, an outstanding entrepreneur, has created the era of e-commerce in China. With the continuous prevalence of e-commerce, e-commerce has developed rapidly in China and has gradually become closely related to our lives. This has caused a big impact on all walks of life in China. Online bookstores have won the favor of the market because of their fast and convenient features and a wide variety of books, and have become the backbone of the industry. In order to comply with the development of the times, this paper focuses on the analysis of online bookstores in China from two aspects, which are their market structure and market behavior. The results of the analysis will directly affect the online bookstores in China, provide guidance for the scientificization of Chinas existing online bookstores and find some scientific and reasonable countermeasures for the problems existing in Chinas current e-commerce. KEYWORDS Online bookstore; development status; coping strategies; e-commerce; 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 19245 中文摘要 I 21769 英文摘要 II 21999 1前言 1 15165 2我国网上书店发展现状 2 18688 2.1发展历程 2 17828 2.2营销模式 2 283 2.2.1使用搜索引擎营销 2 4349 2.2.2服务营销 3 22321 2.2.3精准营销 3 11511 3网上书店与传统书店的对比 4 21677 3.1数量多,品种全 4 15334 3.2冲破时空局限 4 7904 3.3提供增值服务 4 20722 3.4支付稳、配送速度快 4 31461 3.5售后服务全面 5 2308 4我国网上书店存在问题和缺陷 6 5492 4.1覆盖程度不够 6 3


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