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- PAGE II - 本科生毕业设计(论文) 论文题目 基于卡尔曼滤波器的智能电网的网络攻击检测 基于卡尔曼滤波器的智能电网的网络攻击检测 摘 要 电网的智能化造就了“电网2.0”时代,使智能电网在国民生活中得到更加普遍的运用,实现电网在运行稳定和使用安全方面的目标,同时完成了先进信息技术与传统电力技术的完美结合。但智能电网的开放性与智能性也让它在维护安全稳定方面的风险不断提高 REF _Ref8716245 \r \h [1],近年来出现了一种新兴的攻击手段虚假数据攻击,通过利用传感器,执行器和控制系统之间的通信基础设施,攻击者可能会利用拒绝服务(DoS)攻击,随机攻击和虚假数据注入攻击等技术来破坏智能电网系统的安全性。在本文中,将提出系统的数学模型来研究这些攻击,并给出检测方法。 1.研究智能电网模型的建立,选择包括总线电压﹑角度和幅度的状态变量,从三相正弦电压方程开发一个状态空间模型,用来匹配卡尔曼滤波器的技术。若想建立电网的数学模型,可以通过在电网的状态量复电压和量测量的复功率中寻找其联通关系。 2.根据网络攻击特点,假设攻击者可以克服检测机制即已知网络系统各项数据,由此设计隐蔽网络攻击。 3.采用卡尔曼滤波器来估计模型中各种状态过程的变量,然后将来自卡尔曼滤波器和系统读数的估计值馈入χ2检测器或欧几里德检测器。χ 4.利用系统可测信息重建状态变量,再通过对状态检测残差的构建与设定的先验阈值作对比,由此给出攻击检测的判断方法。χ2检测器可以检测系统故障和受到的攻击,包括DoS攻击和短期或长期的随机攻击,但χ 最后在MATLAB中编写程序,进行仿真验证控制算法的有效性。 关键词:智能电网;网络攻击;卡尔曼滤波器;虚假数据注入攻击;攻击检测 Abstract The intelligentization of the power grid has created the Grid 2.0 era, making the smart grid more widely used. It has completed the organic integration of advanced information technology and traditional power technology to achieve the goal of stable operation and safe use of the power grid. However, the openness and intelligence of the smart grid have led to an increase in security risks. False data attacks are an emerging attack in recent years. By exploiting the communication infrastructure between sensors, actuators and control systems, attackers may exploit Technologies such as denial of service (DoS) attacks, random attacks, and spurious data injection attacks disrupt the security of smart grid systems. In this paper, a mathematical model of the system will be proposed to study these attacks and give a detection method. 1. Study the establishment of the smart grid model, select the state variables including bus voltage, angle and amplitude, and develop a state space model from the three-phase sinusoidal voltage equation to integrate the Kalman filter technique. By looking for the relationship between the grid state quantity complex voltage and the quantity measurement complex power, a mathematical model of the power grid


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