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毕业设计说明书 邯郸市华信国际广场交通影响分析 专 业 交 通 工 程 学 生 指导教师 河北工程大学土木工程学院 2011年5月25日 邯郸市华信国际广场交通影响分析 摘要 交通影响分析(Traffic Impact Analysis,简称TIA)现已成为我国城市大型建设项目审批中的一个重要步骤,也是判断工程项目对城市交通影响程度的有效手段。大型商业建筑交通需求较大,对城市交通的冲击非常严重,因此必须做好大型商业建筑的交通影响分析工作。论文首先研究了“何谓交通影响分析,为什么要进行交通影响分析,什么样的建设项目需要进行交通影响分析及如何保证交通影响分析的实施”几个问题。详细的阐述了国外交通影响分析的产生、发展、研究现状及国内的研究和推广情况。在分析总结国外的相关经验的基础上,结合我国交通影响分析的研究现状,提出适合我国的交通影响分析的方法和程序。本文提出采用服务水平作为检验交通受影响的变化指标,并对城市道路的服务水平进行了详尽的阐述。对本论文阐述的交通影响分析方法和流程,专门针对邯郸市华信国际广场这一实例予 以应用,最后给出了本论文的结论。 Abstract Traffic Impact Analysis(TIA)has become a important procedure in project examining and approving of urban traffic plan in big cities of China,and is also an important measurement of how an engineering project influences urban traffic.Large commercial buildings have big traffic demands and great impacts on the traffic conditions,So Traffic Impact Analysis is very important.Firstly, this paper gives the answers for some questions like” what is TIA? Why should we analyze traffic impact? What kind of construction project needs such analyzing and how to ensure its carrying out? ”Secondly, this paper describes elaborately how the overseas traffic impact analyzing comes into being, its development and present situation of its research as well as the domestic study state of affairs, combining which the author gives the idea for analyzing and summarizing overseas relevant experience. There are several kinds of indexes for measuring the situation of road circulation, and this thesis adopts the service level as index to measure whether the road satisfies demands of traffic. The service level of road in cities is expounded exhaustively in the paper. For the traffic impact analysis methods and processes described in this paper, it app;y to the instance of the Huaxin International Plaza in city of Handan specifically, then given the conclusions of this paper. 0 绪论 交通影响分析(Traffic Impact Analysis)或者称交通影响评价(Traffic Impact Assessment),就是在开发项目立项之前,分析该工程项目对交通服务水平的影响程度及影响范围,进而确


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