Protein translation for mol med genetics final part2 分子遗传学的蛋白质 第二部分.ppt

Protein translation for mol med genetics final part2 分子遗传学的蛋白质 第二部分.ppt

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Antibiotics that compete with the binding of the deacylated tRNA to the E-site. (A) Overview of the binding sites of 13-deoxytedanolide (DTL, red) on the large ribosomal subunit from archaeon Haloarcula marismortui as viewed from the 30S subunit [51]. Black contour outlines L44e protein, which surrounds the E-site and whose visible portion is highlighted in yellow. (B) A close up view of the 13-deoxytedanolide binding site. The 23S rRNA is colored in blue and L44e is in yellow with its Ile36, Arg40, and Pro56 side-chains in green. A model of the L28 ribosomal protein from Thermus thermophilus is shown in pink. Note, that L28 partially occupies the space required for 13-deoxytedanolide binding to ribosome. (C) Overview of the cycloheximide binding site on the 60S ribosomal subunit from eukaryote Tetrahymena thermophila [54]. The 60S subunit (light blue) is viewed from the 40S ribosomal subunit. Colored in yellow is the visible portion of RPL36A, which encircles the E-site. The electron density map for cycloheximide (CXM) contoured at 3s is represented as a blue mesh. (D) A close up view of the cycloheximide binding site. The 26S rRNA is colored in blue and RPL36A is in yellow with the Pro54 and Phe56 side-chains in green. The electron density map for cycloheximide (CXM) is represented as a blue mesh. * * Pateamine a是1991年由一个新西兰的研究小组从海绵中分离到的代谢产物,早期的研究发现pata有非常高的生物活性,抑制肿瘤细胞的生长和t细胞的激活的50%有效浓度都在1nm左右。Dr。romo对此天然产物进行了全合成并以抑制t细胞受体激活作为活性指标,其结构与活性相关性分析找到了可以对其进行生物素标记的基团,并合成了该化合物。, This is the structure of Patemaine A. The compound was first found and isolated from a marine sponge in New Zealand. And its total synthesis was made possible by our collaborators in Texas AM University. As for the effects of this compound, it was showed to be cytotoxic in P388 cell line. And in a recent publication, its pro-apoptotic effect was clearly confirmed. PharmaMar Company did a test in 1993 with Pat A, and found it is a potent immunosuppressant in mouse skin graft experiments mixed lymphoc


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