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浅析提高宁夏主要造林树种林木良种 使用率的途径 陈卫宁,李英武,牛锦凤,刘英,纪丽萍 (宁夏国有林场和林木种苗工作总站,宁夏银川, 750001) 纲要:截止“十二五”末,全区审(认)定通过的林木良种 66 个,其中优秀种源 12 个、一代种子园 3 个、母树林 3 个、优秀无性系 11 个、优秀品种 37 个。审(认)定通过的生态造林树种良种涵盖了我区南部山区、中部沙区、北部平原地域造林绿化 的主要树种;经济林良种已成为我区林业产业发展的支柱品种;园林绿化良种在我区城市园林绿化中被宽泛应用。当前全区林木良种产业发展还存在构造性矛盾突出、良种推广率低等问题,笔者通过踏查统计、剖析研究提出了做好林木良种产业产学研相结合,进行地区试验,有序开展引种驯化,拟订标准技术规程,提高全区主要造林树种林木良种使用率的方法和对策。 重点词: 造林绿化;林木良种;使用率;途径 Approaches to Upgrading the Extension of Improved Afforestation Germplasm in Ningxia Chen Weining ,Li Yingwu , Niu Jinfeng ,Liu Ying , Ji Liping (Ningxia Management Center for State-own Forest Farms and For est Seeds and Seedlings, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750001 PRC) 1 Abstract: By the end of 2015, the improved germplasm resourc es officially registered in Ningxia included 12 provenances, 3 F1 seed orchards, 3 mother tree forests, 11 clones and 3 7 varieties. They encapsulated the main species for the affo restation in the southern mountainous areas, central desertifi cation areas and northern plains of Ningxia. Improved varieti es are at the leading position for fruit production and are popularly employed in urban beautification and landscaping. However, there are still some problems in the development of germplasm resources such as the structural conflicts in see d-seedling sectoral progress and the low extension rate of i mproved seeds and seedlings. On the basis of field investiga tions and analysis, approaches to upgrading the extension of improved afforestation germplasm in Ningxia are proposed suc h as the combinations among production, education and researc h, the network of regional tests, the introduction and domes tication of improved germplasm and the formulation of technic al standards and specifications. Key words: afforestation and greening, improved forest seeds and seedlings, extension rate, approach 为夯实我区林木良种发展基础,推进林木良种产业可持续发展, 科学策划“十三五”林木良种发展,进一步推进林木良种化进程,提 高主要造林树种林木良种使用率。笔者对全区主要造林树种林木良种 使用情况进行了统计剖析,初步探索了提高我区林木良种使用率的方 法和途径。 统计分类和范围 1.1 统计树种 按照经济林、速生丰收林(商品林) 、生态林、其他四类统计全


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