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本溪县景点简介-(1) 本溪县景点简介-(1) Nine Top Tiecha Mountain (Jiudingtiechashan) By .Jingyujuan Nine Top Tiecha Mountain, an extension of the Changbai Mountains, is located 40 kilometers to the east of Benxi City. It is 36 kilometers away from Benxi Water Cave. Its main peak is 912.9 meters above sea level. 4Tiecha Mountain has endless views. almost every person who has toured this mountain exclaims. The Mountain Is made up of five peaks, one In the middle and four other ones surrounding it in different directions, namely the east, the south, the west and the north. The central peak is called Yuanshl Peak. It is the highest, the most beautiful and also the most dangerous to climb. The other four are called respectively Yuhuang Peak (Jade Emperor Peak), Lingbao Peak (Magic Treasure Peak), Taishang Peak and Zhenwu Peak (True Martial Art Peak )? Looking up from the north, the south or the east, you can see three of the flve peaks. Three times three is nine. So Taoists gave the mountain its name Nine Top Tiecha Mountain. As a prominent mountain in Northeast China, not only is Tiecha Mountain home to thick ancient forests, where sky-scraping trees are common, it Is also the very place where the Northeast Taoism originated. The mountains supernatural allure (inscriptions in cliffs, caves with their legends and ancient Taoists treasures), together with fantastic rocks and peaks, drags tourists over in droves, especially on holidays. One legend says that the LlonR-eye-browed Immortal Li who lived in Shang Dynasty ( about early 17,h century BC to ll,h century B?C?) and Zhou Dynasty (about lllh century B.C. to 256 B.C.)first started preaching Taoism here and it was right here that he was elevated to immortal. Tiecha Mountain Is In fact the birthplace of Northeast Taoism, which began to thrive when. In the 17,h century, Guo Shouzheit the 8,h generation master of Loiignien Taoism came to preach on this mountain. It was Guos followers who built and supported taoist temples like Qlnghua Tem



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