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幽默风趣英语小故事 :不受欢迎的访问者 A man said to his friend, Im bothered with time-wasting callers. His friend said, Why dont you try my plan to deal with them. What is it? he asked. His friend said: When the bell rings, I put on my hat and gloves before I open the door. If it proves to be someone I dont want to see, I simply say So sorry, Im just going out! He asked again: If its some one you want to see? his friend replied: Oh ,then I say: So fortunate, Ive just come in. 有个人对他的朋友说:“一些来访问的人耗费时间搅得我很恼火呢。”朋友说:“为什么不试用我的办法对付这些人呢?” “什么办法呀?”他问道。朋友说:“门铃响的时候,我戴上帽子和手套后再去开门。如果来的是我不想见的人,我就说‘真对不起,我正要出去。’” 他又问道:“如果是你想见的人呢?”朋友回答说:“哦,那我就说‘幸好我刚刚回来了。’” :布朗先生和他的汽车 Mr.Brown lives in a small town, but then he gets a job in a big city and moves there with hiswife and his two children. On the first Sunday in their new home, Brown takes his new car out of the garage and washes it. A neighbor comes by. When he sees Browns new car, the neighbor stops and looks at it for a minute. Then Brown turns and sees him. The neighbor says, Thats a nice car. Is it yours? Sometimes. Brown answers. The neighbor is surprised. Sometimes? he says. What do you mean? Well, answers Brown slowly, When there is a party in the town, it belongs to my daughter, Jane. When there is a football game somewhere, it belongs to my son, Joe. When Ive washes it, and it is really nice and clean, then it belongs to my wife. And when it needsgas, its mine. 布朗先生居住在一个小城镇里,但后来在城里找到了工作并和他的妻子,两个孩子搬到了城里。在他搬到新家的第一个星期天,布朗先生把他的小汽车从车库里开出来进行冲洗。一位邻居经过。当他看见布朗先生洗车是,这位邻居停下来看了一会儿。接着布朗先生转过身看见了他。 邻居说:“这辆车真漂亮,是你的吗?”“有时候是。”布朗先生回答。 这位邻居很吃惊。“有时?”他说:“什么意思?” “哦,”布朗先生慢慢地说:”当城镇有聚会时,它属于我的女儿——简。当哪里有足球赛是,就属于我的儿子——乔。当我洗刷好湖,车看起来确实干净漂亮,它就属于我妻子。当需要汽油时,它这时就属于我了。“ :花多少钱? On the first day of college, the Dean addressed the students, pointing out some of the rules: The female dormitory will be out-of-bounds for all male students, and the male dormitory to the female students. Anybody


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