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HUNAN UNIVERSITY 毕业设计(论文) 设计(论文)题目:企业电子商务网站支付模块 学 生 姓 名: 学 生 学 专 业 班 级: 2004级软件开发2班 指 老 师: 系主任(院长): 2008年 5月 25日 企业电子商务网站支付模块 摘要 上世纪90年代以来,随着网络、通信和信息技术的突破性进展‘Internet在全球爆 炸性增长并迅速普及,一种崭新的商务形式一电子商务,作为商业贸易领域中一种先进 的交易方式止风靡全球,并对该领域中传统的观念和行为产生巨大的冲击和影响。电了 商务是基于互联网、以交易双方为主体、以银行电子支付和结算为手段、以客户数据为 依托的全新的商务模式,它可以使商家与供应商更紧密地联系起来,更快地满足客户需 求,也可以让商家在全球范围内选择最佳供应商,在全球市场上销售产甜。 企业与消费者(B2C)的电子商务随着WWW网的出现而迅速发展的,它属于电子 商务的零售范围。企业对消费者的电了商务模式将会快速发展,并将最终在电了商务领 威屮山据重耍地位。B2C型电子商务是直接而向消费者的电子商务模式,也是最为消费 者熟悉和接触使用。目前虽然B2C电子商务的交易额在整个零售市场中所占比重很小, 但其影响力和发展潜力是相当巨大的 关键词:电了商务,网上支付,安全 Payment Module of Business E-commerce Website for Enterprise Abstract Since on the century 90fs, along with the network, the correspondenceand the information technology unprecedented progress, Internet in theglobal explosivity growth and the rapid popularization, one kind ofbrand-new commercial form - electronic commerce, took in thecommercial trade domain one advanced transaction way is being all therage the whole world, and the traditional idea and the behavior hasthe huge impact and the influence to this domain in. The electroniccommerce is based on the Internet, take transaction both sides as themain body, take the bank electron payment and the settlement as themethod, take the customer data as the brand-new commercial patternwhich depends on, it may cause the merchant and the supplier closelyrelates, quickly meets the customer need, also may let the merchantchoose the best supplier in the global scope, sells the product in theglobal market. Business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce development is the emergence of the Internet along with the rapid development of the World Wide Web. It belongs to the scope of the retail e-commerce. Business-to-consumer e-commerce model will be developed rapidly and will eventually occupy an important position in the area of electronic commerce. B2C e-commerce model is a direct consumer-oriented e-commerce, most consumers are familiar with and use contacts. Although B2C e-commerce transactio


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