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未来的我初二英语作文 The future of my heart is a very beautiful world. At that time, there was no vehicle on the road, only a lot of doors, the door to say where you want to go after the opening can be immediately arrived. City Hall is the time boat production line, after sitting, you can go to the past can also go to the future, you can return to your living space location time and space time. Everyone has a TV store at home, with those TV can sit at home to buy things that are needed, very convenient. Come to the train station, sit on the cosmic train, the line is the sightseeing line, the end is the cosmic square, which has a cosmic restaurant, paleontology area, 720 degrees happy turntable, 360 degree all-round cinema and a variety of strange facilities. Line 2 is the transaction line, the terminal is the cosmic market, which has a wholesale area, retail area, choice area, as well as the total service area and staff area. Back to the train station, where the scenery is really good. A transparent object in front of the driveway, as if to prevent the train out of the driveway. The bright sunshine from the ceiling at night, the original is the sun light emitted. From the train station came out to the ground to sit on the light speed taxi, which Dongnuanxialiang inside. To the school, there is no blackboard, only the laser screen, hand in the above draw a few, there will be you write the pen, there is no chalk, because the handle will be dirty. When the exam, each person a small box, open it will see a small glass, the top run out of the exam, with light pen in the above answer, in order to prevent cheating, the above words only teachers and candidates can see. If the answer is wrong, you can use the pencil in the negative box of light absorption powder, the wrong place painted off. From the school to sit on the express train, you can reach the residential area, where the house one by one. Each building is a t


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