冀教版九级上学期英语习题:Unit 单元重难点题组训练 2.pptVIP

冀教版九级上学期英语习题:Unit 单元重难点题组训练 2.ppt

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Unit 6 Movies and Theatre;【题组训练1】find, find out和look for的辨析 一、单项选择。 ( )1.You should ________ your textbook before the teacher came in.              A.look for B.find C.find out D.look into ( )2.—What are you doing? —I am ________ my watch.Can you ________ it? A.looking for; find B.finding; find C.finding out; look D.looking for; look;( )3.(2017·黑龙江绥化)Wheres my ruler? I cant ________ it anywhere. A.look for B.find out C.find;二、选词填空。 4.I ______ _______ my pen everywhere,but I havent ________ it yet. 5.I ___________ a baby crying in the next room. 6.Will you please _________ __________ where he lives?;【题组训练2】among和between的辨析 一、单项选择。 ( )1.(2017·湖北随州)—Do you know the student ________ David and Jack? —Yeah. Its Jim. A.among B.in C.between D.around ( )2.Pleasant music is always played ________ classes to make students refreshed and relaxed for a while. A.between B.among C.over D.after;二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 3.我在一堆旧书中找到了它。 I found it _________ a pile of old books. 4.这两个孩子打过一次架。 There was a fight ___________ the two boys. 5.这个有趣的卡通片《熊出没》在孩子们中很受欢迎。 The funny cartoon “Boonie Bears” is popular __________ kids.;【题组训练3】so as to, in order to, so that和in order that的辨析 一、单项选择。 ( )1.All these gifts must be mailed immediately ________ be received in time for Christmas. A.as to B.in order that C.so as to D.so ( )2.The speaker raised his voice ________ he could be heard by all. A.in order that B.so as to C.in order to D.make sure;( )3.________ catch the first bus,he got up very early this morning. A.So as to B.So that C.In order to D.In order that ( )4.They started early ________ they might get to the town on time. A.in order to B.so that C.so as to D.as if;二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 5.他停止工作,以便能休息一下。 He stopped working _______ _________ _________ take a rest. =______ _________ ______ take a rest,he stopped working. =He stopped working ______ _______ ________ he could have a rest. =He sto



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