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必读经典民间故事 经典民间故事:自出机杼 Wan Dan heard of his friends death, and went to express his condolence with a heavy heart. Many people came and went, and it was crowded in the friends house, the celebrated knight-errant, Chen Zun, was also among the condolence procession, as he had presented numerous presents, he could not help assuming an air of benefactor. When it was Wan Dans turn to pay contribute to his dead friend, he produced a pi of thin silk from his bag slowly, and put it on the table in front of the catafalque. He said in a low voice, Though the cloth costs little, I wove it personally, every thread of it indicates how I miss you! On hearing this, Chen Zun could not help flushing, and then he left at once under the pretext of urgent businesses. 王丹得知朋友去世的消息后,满怀悲伤地前去吊唁。 朋友家中人来客往,十分拥挤,著名的侠客陈遵也在吊唁的队伍中。由于赠送的东西格外多,陈遵的脸上止不住流露出有恩于人的神色。 轮到王丹拜祭的时候,只见他缓缓从包中拿出一匹细绢,放在灵堂前的几案上,沉声说道:“这匹布虽然值不了几个钱,但这是王丹亲手织成的,一经一纬,都包含着我对您的思念!”陈遵听得这话,不禁满脸通红,赶紧托辞离开了灵堂。 经典民间故事:楚人操舟 A man of Chu learned to steer the boat from a boatman. At the beginning, he followed the boatmans instruction carefully, no matter whether it was to go ahead or back, turn left or right . One day, he had a try to steer the boat in slow current by himself, and found that he could steer the boat with ease. So he dismissed the boatman, and steered the boat directly to the rip current. When the boat lost control in the vortex, the man looked around in panic, and was scared out of wits. Not only was the oar lost, but also the ruder was carried away by the current. 一个楚国人向船夫学习驾船。 刚开始的时候,无论是进退快慢还是左右旋转,他都非常认真的尊从船夫的指挥。 一天,楚国人自己驾船在水流平缓的地带试了一下,发现达到了得心应手的熟练程度,于是,他辞去了教他的船夫,驾着船直冲激流险滩。当船在旋涡里失去控制时,楚国人仓惶四顾,丧魂落魄。不仅手中的桨丢了,连船舵也给水的无影无踪。 经典民间故事:越人诱鼠 A person of the state of Yue was deeply troubled by the mice loved in a pitcher and let the opening uncovered. Purposely he allowed the mice to eat the grains in it as possible, and would not intervene them at a


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