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适合小学生英语故事大全 田父晒爆 A peasant in the state of Song led an extremely hard life for he was destitute, depending on worn sackcloth to defense the chill of winter. 宋国的一个农民,因家境贫寒,生活极为清苦,全靠一件烂麻衣抵御冬天的严寒。 After the spring arrived, the peasant ploughed in the field. When he got tired and rested on the ridge of the field he felt the sunshine to be warmer and more comfortable than the worn sackcloth. 春天来后,农夫在田里耕地,累了坐在田头休息时,觉得太阳暖融融的,舒服而惬意,远比烂麻衣温暖。 He knew neither spacious nor comfortable houses to live in, nor silk, cotton and xiaogushi8 fur clothes to keep warm. He was very excited at his discovery, and he said to his wife, “Sun bath is so pleasant, but people do not know it. I will present this secret to the king, and he is sure to bestow many presents to me to reward my loyalty.” 这农民不知道人间宽敞舒适的房子都可居住,也不清楚绵绸和皮衣可以保暖。农民为自己的这一新发现激动不已,兴奋地对妻子说:“晒太阳是如此令人愉快,而人们却还不知道。我要把这一秘密献给国王,国王为了表彰我的忠诚,一定会给我很多赏赐物品。“ 请勿吸烟 Mrs. Green was the manager of a large company and she frequently had to have meetings with other business people in a room in her building. She did not smoke at all, but many of the other people at the meetings did, so she often found the air during the meetings terrible. 格林太太是一家大公司的经理,必须经常在她大厦内的房间跟其他的生意人开会。 她本人不抽烟,但是许多其他来开会的人却抽烟,所以她常常觉得会场里的空气令人难受。 One day,after an hour, her throat and eyes were sore and she was coughing a lot, so she called a big air conditioning company and asked them to work out how much it would cost to keep the air of the meeting room in her building really clean. 有一天,开了一小时的会,她喉咙和眼晴都很痛,而且咳口嗽得很厉害,所以她就请了一家处理空气调节的大公司,请他们计算一下要花多少钱,才能使大厦会议室内的空气保持绝对干净。 After a few days the air conditioning company sent in two estimates for Mrs. Green to choose from. One estimate was for $5,000 to put in new air conditioning, and the other was for $5.00 for a sign which said, NO SMOKING. 几天后受理空气调节的公司开了两张估价单供格林太太选择。 一张是花五千元来安置新的空气调节设备,另一张是花五块钱买一个“请勿抽烟”的牌子。 千镜屋 Long ago in a small, faraway villa


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