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早教英语故事阅读精选 A merchant had done well at the fair. He had sold all his wares, and filled his moneybag with gold and silver. He now wanted to make his way toward home, and to be in his own house before nightfall. So he loaded his duffel bag with the money onto his horse, and rode away. At noon made a rest stop in a town. When he was about to continue on his way, a servant brought him his horse and said, Sir, a nail is missing from the shoe on his left hind hoof. Let it be, answered the merchant. The shoe will certainly stay on for the six hours that I still have to ride. I am in a hurry. That afternoon, when he dismounted once again and had his horse fed, a servant came into the inn and said, Sir, a shoe is missing from your horses left hind hoof. Shall I take him to the blacksmith? Let it be, answered the man. The horse can manage for the few hours that I still have to ride. I am in a hurry. He rode on, but before long the horse began to limp. It did not limp long before it began to stumble, and it did not stumble long before it fell down and broke a leg. The merchant had to leave the horse where it was, and unbuckle the duffel bag, load it onto his shoulder, and walk home on foot, not arriving there until very late that night. All this bad luck, he said to himself, was caused by that cursed nail. Haste makes waste. 一个商人在集市上生意红火,他卖完了所有的货,钱袋装得满满的。他想天黑前赶到家,便把钱箱捆在了马背上,骑着马儿出发了。 中午时分,他到了一个镇上休息了一会。当他想继续赶路时,马童牵出马来对他说:“老爷,马后腿的蹄铁上需要加颗钉子。”“由它去吧,”商人回答说,“这块蹄铁肯定能撑到走完这六里路,我要急着赶路呢!” 下午时候,他又一次叫人喂马,马童走进房间对他说:“老爷,马后腿上的一块蹄铁掉了,要不要我把它带到铁匠那去呢?”“由它去吧!”商人回答说,“这马一定能坚持走完这剩下的几里路,我时间紧着呢!” 他骑着马儿继续往前走,但不久以后马就开始一步一瘸的了,再过会儿就开始踉踉跄跄,最后它终於跌倒在地,折断了腿。那生意人只好扔下他的马,解下钱箱扛在背上,步行回家。等赶回家时已是午夜时分,只听他嘀咕着:“都是那颗该死的钉子把我给害惨了。” 欲速则不达。 A tailor and a goldsmith were journeying together when one evening, just as the sun had sunk behind the mountains, they heard the sound of distant music. It grew more and more distinct. It had a strange sound, but was so pleasin



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