新外研版八下M9U2 I believe that the world is what you think it is (1).pptVIP

新外研版八下M9U2 I believe that the world is what you think it is (1).ppt

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2022年公开课获奖课件 展播 教育部审定新版教材配套专用 人教部编版监制 本套课件简介 本课件是全国公开课大赛的获奖作品,是从2021年教育部主办的“师育杯”公开课大赛的一等奖获奖作品中,精选而来。 本课件紧贴学科核心素养,与当下最新、最前沿理论息息相关。每节课都是精品,是经过评委认真审定后,精选出来的最优作品。 * Module 9 Friendship Unit 2 I believe that the world is what you think it is. * Do you have many friends? 2. Are you afraid to make friends? 3. How do you feel when you are with your friends? 4. Do you often smile at others? * What should a good friend be like? I think that a good friend should be… kind happy funny nice humorous clever interesting helpful polite bright honest Friends * A beautiful smile By Zhang Bei * * Read through the passage quickly, and find the answers. 1.Who is the main character in the passage? 2. What changed the writer’s life? Zhang Bei. A smile changed her life. Extensive reading * Intensive reading Read paragraphs1-3 and answer questions. 1.At the age of thirteen, a girl gave me an important gift.(找出此句的同义句) 2. Why did Zhang Bei feel very lonely? 3. When did Zhang Bei feel even more lonely? 4. Why didn’t she tell her parents about her problems? Because no one knew her. Every time she heard the other students talking and laughing, she felt even more lonely. Because she didn’t want them to worry about her. Tips: read the questions first; use full sentences to answer. When I was thirteen years old, a girl gave me an important gift. * Read Paragraphs4---5 and finish the tasks. Intensive reading Task A Tell T or F and correct the mistakes. ( )1. One day, my classmates were talking with me. ( ) 2. A girl entered the classroom, and I knew who she was. ( ) 3. The girl didn’t say anything to me. ( ) 4. I felt no longer lonely. Task B It made me feel happy, lively and warm. What does “it” infer to(指代)? “It” refers to________________________________________ F F T T the smile/ the girl’s smile Tips: focus on details(细节); learn to infer the words in the context(语篇) * Intensive reading Read Paragraphs 6-8 and choose th


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