The Ellen DeGeneres Show《艾伦秀 20150408 Amy.Schumer》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Ellen DeGeneres Show《艾伦秀 20150408 Amy.Schumer》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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有请艾伦·德杰尼勒斯上场 Here she is now, Ellen DeGeneres. 谢谢 谢谢大家 Thank you so much! Thank you so much! 谢谢你们 Hi! Thank you so much! 非常感谢 Oh boy! Thanks so much! 好的 大家请坐 Yeah! Right? Okay. Have a seat. 很感谢大家 你们真好 Thanks so much! That is so nice of you. 我也爱你们 Back at you. I feel the same way, 爱你们每一个人 about all of you, each everyone of you, 谢谢大家 thanks so much. 我也在对你们招手 I think I wave too, just about all of you. 我很肯定 I am pretty sure. 再近一点就会很奇怪了 Any closer, and than it is weird. 这么远招手很正常 Its... You can wave from this far, 要是距离太近了 and then but if you get too close, 会感觉怪怪的 its so weird to wave to something just like that. 合适的招手距离 我觉得是六英尺 Suppose to be waving. I think its 6 feet, thats the rule. 我也不知道 I dont know. 外面天很好 春天到了 Boy, oh boy, its nice outside, its spring. 你能看出来是春天 You can tell its spring. 洛杉矶到处都能看到 春天的迹象 I am seeing the signs everywhere in Los Angeles. 草地从绿棕色 变成了棕绿色 The grass is turning from greenish-brown to brownish-green. 所以说 So, 这就是我今天的话题 here is what I want to talk about today. 你们知道话题是什么吗 You know what I wanna talk about? 才不告诉你 这是秘密 Well, cant tell you. Its mystery. 我喜欢有趣的秘密 你们呢 I love a good mystery, do you? 别告诉我 这是秘密 Dont tell me, its a mystery. 故事发生在两周前 Our story began two weeks ago, 那是纯真年代 it was a simpler time. 泽恩还在单向乐队 Zayn was still in One Direction, 在印第安纳州 你还能在婚礼上吃披萨 and Indiana you can still have a pizza at weddings. 那是在星期二的晚上 It was Tuesday evening. 太太和我在起居室 我们在看书 The Mrs and I were in the our parlor, and we were reading. 起居室的意思是 客厅 By parlor, I mean living room. 阅读的意思是 看网飞剧 By reading, I mean watching Netflix. 反正最后 我们准备睡了 So anyway, we finally went to bed, 这时候 波西娅说了三个字 and thats when Portia said the three words 谁在睡觉前 都不想听到的三个字 that nobody wants hear when they are about to go to sleep. 啥声音 Whats that sound? 是哔哔声 It was a beep. 不是烟雾报hearts;警hearts;器的声音 And it wasnt the smoke detector. 是很神秘的哔哔声 我也算听过很多种哔哔声了 It was a mysterious beep, and I have heard a lot of beeps. 但这种还真没听过 I... I have never heard this one. 我不知道这是什么东西发出来的 I didnt have beeping clue of what it



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