The Secrets of Quantum Physics Part 1《量子力学揭秘(2014)(1)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Secrets of Quantum Physics Part 1《量子力学揭秘(2014)(1)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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在这纷繁复杂的生活之中 Beneath the complexities of everyday life, 世间的法则似乎尤为简单 the rules of our universe seem reassuringly simple. 坚固的拱桥支撑着我的体重 This solid bridge supports my weight. 桥下潺潺的溪水总会沿地势向山下流淌 The water flowing underneath always goes downhill 而当我抛出这块石头 and when I throw this stone... 它总会沿着可预测的轨迹在空中滑翔 ..It always flies through the air following a predictable path. 但当科学家们 But as scientists peered deep 深入探究物质的细微构成时 into the tiny building blocks of matter... 所有的这些都荡然无存 ..All such certainty vanished. 他们发现了量子力学中的别样世界 They found the weird world of quantum mechanics. 深入观测我们周围的一切 Deep down inside everything we see around us, 我们就会发现一个与众不同的世界 we found a universe completely unlike our own. 也正印证了一位量子力学的奠基者所说 To paraphrase one of the founders of quantum mechanics, 我们所称之为真实的事物 everything we call real is made up of things 它们的构成却并非真实存在 that cannot be themselves regarded as real. 大约100年前 一些举世闻名的科学家 Around 100 years ago, some of the worlds greatest scientists 开始了他们量子力学的探究之旅 began a journey down the rabbit hole 力图阐释这奇妙的世界 into the strange and the bizarre. 他们发现在这个微观世界 They found that in the realm of the very small, 事物可同时身处两地 things could be in two places at once... 他们命运则由概论所掌控 ..That their fates are dictated by chance... 而实在本身则挑战着一切认知常识 ..and that reality itself defies all common sense. 重要的是 我们对于这个世界 And at stake, that everything we thought 所感知的一切都可能被证明是错误的 we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong. 使我们陷入这疯狂般科学之路的故事 The story of our descent into scientific madness 则始于一件意想不到的东西 begins with the most unlikely object. 柏林 1hearts;8hearts;9hearts;0年 Berlin, 1hearts;8hearts;9hearts;0. 德国是一个新兴国家 Germany is a new country, 于近代才统一 并马不停蹄地推进着工业化进程 recently unified and hungry to industrialise. 在这个刚统一伊始的德国 In this newly-unified Germany, 一大批工程公hearts;司hearts;如雨后春笋般成立起来 a number of new engineering companies were founded. 他们斥资数百万马克来购买hearts;hearts;爱迪生于欧洲的 Theyd spent millions buying the European patent 最新发明的专利权 电灯泡 for Edisons new invention, the light bulb. 电灯泡是现代科技的缩影 The light bulb was th



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