人教版八级下Unit2 Section A(1a1c课件(共33张PPT).ppt

人教版八级下Unit2 Section A(1a1c课件(共33张PPT).ppt

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Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks;予人玫瑰 手有余香;Have you ever been a volunteer? What could you do?; How could we help people?;Many people volunteer to work on the street;give out 分发;散发;cheer v. 欢呼; 喝彩 ;We could help stop hunger;We could help the old to go across the road.;We could help the old people.;We could help cheer up sick kids in the hospital.; ;We could volunteer in an after-school study program;What else could we do to help people?;New Words;Look at the ways you could help people in the picture. Then list other ways.;1. ________________________________ 2. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________ ________________________________ 4. ________________________________;cheer up “使……高兴起来”, 是动副短语。 What should I do to cheer my sister up? = What should I do to cheer up my sister? 我该怎样做才能使我的姐姐高兴起来呢? The news cheered him up. 这消息使他高兴了起来。;拓展: cheer up还可意为“高兴/振作起来”。 Cheer up! Our troubles will soon be over. 振作起来!我们的困难很快就会过去。;give out 意思是“分发”, 是动副短语, 相当于hand out。 The teacher gave out the examination papers ten minutes ago. 老师十分钟前发放了考试卷。 ;拓展: give out还可以意为“用完, 停止运行, 发出(热、光等)”。 Her patience finally gave out. 她终于失去耐心了。 The radiator is giving out a lot of heat. 散热器散发着大量的热。 ;链接: 到目前为止, 我们学过许多与give相关的短语, 现总结如下: give off 发出(气味、热、光等) give away 分发,捐赠 give back 归还 give up 放弃 give ... a hand 给予……帮助 ;volunteer v. 义务做;自愿做 They volunteer to help the homeless. They volunteered to repair the house for the old lady. volunteer n. 志愿者 He wants to be a volunteer to help others. ;If you love animals, you can volunteer _______ animals. A. protect B. protecting C. to protect 【点拨】选C。volunteer to do sth. “自愿做某事”,固定搭配。;【注意】如果在clean和up间加个连字符号,那么,它就是名词了,表示“扫除”。 You must give your classroom a good clean-up. 你必须对教室进行彻底地打扫。;1. You could help to clean up the city parks. ; ;Pair work;I hope to work outside.;A: I’d like to _____________



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