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PAGE PAGE 1 流利英语_流利美语脱口出      1.in a way在某种程度上,从某方面看   注解:此语表示态度和看法,指“在某种程度上,从某方面看”,也可写作in one way,如:Well, in one way you’re right, but it’s not as simple as that.(在某种程度上你是对的,但问题并不止那么简单。)作此意义的way 还构成了in some ways 这一习语。In no way“决不”,表示一种态度。   A: Many people don’t think much of the movie.   B: I think differently. In a way, it is a very good film. It gives a vivid description of subtle emotions.   A: I couldn’t agree more. And the photographed scene is very beautiful.   B: And the music.   A: It’s great.   A:许多人觉得这电影不怎么样。   B:我不这么看,在某种程度上它还是相当不错的。它把人的那种微妙的感情刻画得淋漓尽致。   A:完全正确。拍的景色也很美。   B:还有音乐。   A:真是棒极了。      2.in all conscience当然,的确   注解:这是《简明牛津词典》所用的一种断言习语。最接近的同义词是extremely(非常),certainly(一定),indeed(的确)。   A: I think the fee his lawyer charged for drawing up the deed was enough in all conscience.   B: Yeah, we all think so.   A: At first, I thought he would charge less.   B: No, I never think so. You know, he makes a living on such thing.   A: So even brothers keep careful accounts.   B: You said it.   A:他的律师为他起草契约所收的费用足够高了。   B:我们也这么想。   A:原先,我想律师会收少一些。   B:这个我可从没想过。你看,他就是靠这个吃饭的。   A:所以说“亲兄弟明算账”。   B:你算是说对了。      3.in any case无论如何,不管怎样   注解:此语意为“无论如何,不管怎样”,如:In any case,finish this work today. (无论如何今天要完成此项工作。) 其反义词为in no case “无论如何不,在任何情况下不”, 如:In no case must force be resorted to. (决不允许使用武力。)   A: How silly of you to jump out of the window!   B: But that was the first thing that came into my mind when I hear the shout “earthquake!”   A: Why not use staircases? The terror was not so violent at that time.   B: That would be too late.   A: Maybe the situation is too urgent.   B: Yes, I think I should have jumped in any case.   A:你从窗户跳出去,多傻呀。   B:可当我听到“地震了”的喊声时,那是我的第一个反应。   A:干吗不走楼梯呢,那时地震并不猛烈。   B:那就太晚了。   A:或许当时情况真的很紧急。   B:是呀,当时我想无论如何也得从窗子跳出去。      4.in dog days 三伏天;酷暑期   注解:In dog days的字面意思是“在狗的日子里”,指的是“酷热的暑期”“夏季最炎热的日子”。从词源上说,dog days来自拉丁语dies caniculars,英语作canicular days(犬日),原指一年中这个时期,天狼星(Sirius)与太阳同升同落,特别在南方气候非常闷热。天狼星,亦称“犬星”(the dog star),因此称大热天为“


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毕业于中南财经政法大学,十二年office学习经验。 微软MOS认证专家,曾予供销社、中国银行、国家电网等企事业单位定制财务模板与PPT模板。 头条百家数十万粉丝作者,WPS稻壳儿优秀设计师。


