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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 考点二十二 新闻时事类 A 限时12分钟 A robot called Bina48 has successfully taken a course in the philosophy of love at Notre Dame de Namur University (NDNU), in California. According to the course instructor William Barry, associate professor at NDNU, Bina48 is the worlds first socially advanced robot to complete a college course, a feat he described as “remarkable”. The robot took part in class discussions, gave a presentation with a student partner and participated in a debate with students from another institution. Before becoming a student, Bina48 appeared as a guest speaker in Barrys classes for several years. One day when addressing Barrys class, Bina48 expressed a desire to go to college, which was enthusiastically supported by Barry and his students. Rather than enroll Bina48 in his Robot Ethics: Philosophy of Emerging Technologies course, Barry suggested that Bina48 should take his course Philosophy of Love instead. “Love is a concept Bina48 doesnt understand,” said Barry. Therefore the challenge would be for Barry and his students to teach Bina48 what love is. “Some interesting things happened in the class,” said Barry. “He said that his students thought it would be straightforward to teach Bina48 about love, which, after all, is ‘fairly simple—its a feeling,’” said Barry. But the reality was different. “Bina48 ended up learning ‘31 different versions of love,’” said Barry, highlighting some of the challenges humans may face when working artificial intelligence in future. Bina48 participated in class discussions via Skype and also took part in a class debate about love and conflict with students from West Point. Bina48s contribution to the debate was filmed and posted on YouTube. It was judged that Bina48 and NDNU classmates were the winners of this debate. In the next decade, Barry hopes Bina48 might become complex enough to teach a class, though he says he foresees robots being used to better the teachi


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